| her friends, | ER EST A AN LO SE a RON A ES TONE aD semen earn RAN. sone |HERE & THERE in SCHREIBER ; Page 4 oe FAREWALL PARTY FOR MRS. FRANK ZéTTLeR Mrs.Don Bens and Mrs.J.B.Ridsdale were joint hostesses at a party held in the latter' home honouring Mrs.Frank Zettler who is leav- ing to make her home in Toronto, ding were, Mesdames V.iveritt, W.Sheehan, H, Austin, J,Morrish, 4,P.Bourguignon, P,J,Sawyer|. &,Swanson, J.DeBryson, Geo,Walsh, R,Campbell, L.Bourke, C,Duggan, F,Kerrigan, J,Smitheman, and Miss #lsie Sawyer, Mrs,Kerrigan presented a gift of Corn Flower Crystal Vase, Matching Candlesticks and bowl to the honoured guest on behalf of COB"ZY'S TEAM WINS EVERITT BOWLING TROPHY The &veritt Bowling Trophy in the C,P,R. 'League has been won by £d.Cobey's team - Dallas Cobey, Joe Campbell, Lyn Richardson and Mildred D'Arcy, They will now compete with Red Rock, MRS. S»KORCHUK F&TED BY SEWING CLASS Mrs. S,Korchuk was honoured last week when the members of her sewing class, husbands and guests met in the High School and spent an enjoyable evening, A sing-song was led by Mr.Korchuk and during the evening Mrs, Korchuk was presented with a novel corsage made up of needles, pins, thimble and gadgets pertaining to sewing. Hach "pupil" modelled the dress or suit she had made, Members of the sewing class included the Mesdames Jack Bryson, J,Handel, H.Jartus, J,Richardson, W,Miller, S,Kusik, J.Smith, N,Nesbitt, R.Turner, R,Bedard, ).McGuire, G,Krause, A,Gordon, B,Huard, G.Purns, A. Morris, Y.D*Amours, D.Bishop, M.idmonds, B, Hdmonds and F,Miller, Mrs,Kusik presented Mrs.Korchuk with a three-piece matching set of Luggage on be- half of the members, Lunch was served from a nicely arranged table centered with Spring Flowers, ANGLICAN GIRLS ATTEND FeSTIVAL Rev. R.J.S.Inshaw and Mrs,Inshaw will accompany the local members who are entering the Anglican Girls Auxiliary festival in ; Sault Ste,Marie on April'4th and 5th. The: group includes Lois Inshaw, Dorothy Slater, Ruth Ann Paske, Shirley Jartus and two mem- - bers from the Nipigon G,A, New white curtains were placed in St.John!s_ Anglican Church during Easter in loving mem- ory of Jean, daughter of Mr.& Mrs.J.D.Bryson, [F- A DOCTOR'S iE eA S a TERRACE BAY NaS Those atten- MRS. SMITHEMAN'S PIANO PUPILS IN RECITAL -- April 6, 1961 Time is Money save both at... HAN | Hike Dating at zp, ft yor Bank or MontTRFEAL Canada's "First Sank ye Sehreiber) Brandl: (ALAN CUTHBERTSON MIonage WORKING WITH CANADIANS IN EVERY WALK OF LIFE SINCE Mrs,&thel Smitheman held a Piano Recital at her home recently. Jack Gordon and Jill Crandlemire acted as Master and Mistress of Ceremonies for the varied program which fol- lows:- Duet (jolly Darkies), Susan Kragero & Laura Morris - Group of Beginners; Old Vir- ginia & Flow Gently, Edith Relph; Swing Along & The Sphinx, Gail Simmer; Swans on the Lake, Fairies Harp & Duet, Melanie Ross; Jolly Trail & Round the Mountain, Robert McKechnie; Jolly Cobbler & Pixie's Frolic, Betty Morris; Allou- ette & The Hornpipe, Cathy Ginn; Study & Viva La Compagnie, Barbara Arndlg;: Fairy Harp & Pop Corn Man, Alice Jean McKechnie; Scrappy Squir- rels & March Slav, Edith Clemens; Allouette & Blue Bells, Nola Fummerton; Study & The Foun- tain, Laura Morris; The Swallow & Old Folks, Paige Ginn; Last Rose & Annie Laurie, Sharon -Riley; Royal March & Boogie Woogie, Doran Kragero; Remarks & Prizes read by Paige Ginn; Duet by Patsy & Lynn Simmer; Edilweiss Glide, Gypsy Rondo, Jack Gordon; Sonatina, Lynne Simmer; The Fountain & March, Wendy Weaver; Story read by #dith Relph; Duet, Daryl Lynne and Wendy Weaver; Scrappy Squirrels, Musette & Duet, Thomas Knight; Rondo & Melody in F, Patsy Dimmery; Rondo & Sarabande, Kathy Phil- lips}:Nazareth, Patsy Simmer; Musical Trick, Susan Kragero; Minuet in G, Sonata, Mrs, Power; Sonatina, David Winters; Sir Rupert, Daryl Lynne Weaver; Lark & Fascination,: Jill Crandlemire; Duet - Mrs,Power and Mrs,.Smithe- mans VISITING IN SCHREIBER Raymond Guillet is home from Hull, Quebec where he is teaching: Marie Cebrario of St.Joseph's Nursing School apent the weekend with her family: Miss Dorothy Arnot, R.N, and Miss Ruth Shedrick, R,N. of Toronto, are the guests of Mrs.T,.Arnot: George Petty, Pt.Arthur, is visiting his Aunt and Uncle, Mr.& Mrs.N.A.McCuaig: Miss Mary Cosgrove, R.N. of St.Joseph's Hospital is visiting her parents, Mr.& Mrs, A,Cosgrove who also have as their guest Mr, Vincent Cosgrove of Sudbury who also visited his Mother, Mrs,T,Cosgrove and his sister and family, Mr.& Mrs.A,Verdoni: Mr.& Mrs,.Dale Willoughby & Jody are visit- ing Mrs.#.,Willoughby. Dale is on the teaching staff of Ogden Street School, Fort William. eo re me mee I Oe omen eomtties 8