Page 4 TERRACE BAY NEWS | SCHREIBER HERE & THERE ST. JOHNS WOMENS AUXILIARY HOLD TRA The Women's Auxiliary of St. Johns Anglican | Church held their Shrove Tuesday tea in the Church Hall, Mrs, J,D, Bryson welcomed the guests. Convening the tea was Mrs, Jd, | Graham, and the cashier was Mrs, R, Greys The | kitchen committee consisted of Mesdames J,A, Hittite of jGraham, J. Corbett, H, Costall, WW. Randa, ii, Cz ;Tllijow, Ws Miller, Serving tea and straw- | berry shortcake Were Mesdames C, Sparkes, B, | Lidkea, W. Murphy, Geof, Birch, Mrs, R, | Spicer and lirs, T, Wilson attended the sowing ij table. The Girls Auxiliary members sold ; candy and cook books, i ' | | EASTER SiaL ~ QAMPATGN OPENS MARCH 2nd, Sve ae month. of March becomes the month of hope for more than 15,000 crippled children and teenagers in Ontario, The month-long Easter Seal campaign will be open~ ed on March 2nd in 226 communitics in Ont, by service clubs striving to raise $875,000. That's the price that must be paid in 1961 to make life better for these youngsters. During the 38 year history of the Ontario Society for Crippled Children, Easter Seal contributions have paved the way for a pro- gramme which now provides 27 specially train- ed nurses working fran 16 district offices; five camps, unlike any other camps in the country, where hundreds of youngsters will have a chance at summer vacations, barred to them otherwise because they cannot play exe actly as other children do, . Easter Seals too enrol the services of leading physicians end surgeons who give . their time and skills at the clinics which the Society and the service clubs organize at strategic centres in Ontario, From the clinics the children go to hospital if nec- essary, or back to their homes for a pro-= gramme of planned therapy or training super- vised by the Socicty's nurses, In the ficld of Cerebral Palsy the Socic- ty's Easter Seals have made possible advances that are dramatic even though the task is _ painfully slow and expensive. | & contribution to the Haster Seal cempaign means a membership in a crusade of mercy and service-to children, who, through no fault of (afer their own, are enormous burdens of affliction ACMENS WORLD DAY OF PRAYER OBSERVED The Women's world Day of Prayer was obscr= 3 P.M, Friday in St, John's Anglican © 'Church, Taking part in the service were :Mesdames R.J, Inshaw, J.D, Bryson, F, Richard~ ,50n, Ge Gordon and A, Slater, The theme of : the programme was "Foremost through the ages 'in Unbroken Line", Joining in the worship ;were Mesdames W,S, Harris, J. Ridsdale, F, (Willer, J. Handel, 4, Morris, T, Wilson, J.R, ' Brysone Mrse 4s» Gordon sang the solo "Prayer! UPS, J. Corbett and Mrs, F, Harness were the iushers, Mr. A, Hadley is a patient in the Port Arthur General Hospital. | Mr.& Mrs, R, VanKoughnett of White River ' were week-end visitors in Schreiber, the | guest of Mr.& Mrs, M.Winters, ----- TERRACK BAY TOWN TOPICS (Cont'd) | Mrs.C.Armstrong of Ft.William is visiting with Mr.& Mrs.Scotty Hamilton for two weeks, ; TRADE MARKS Rec. (BA but who need a little help to carry those i STOCK- up TIME WE i burdens much more lightly, os '| WOMEN OF THE MOOSE MBBT j Wes i The Women of the Moose, Terrace Bay ; os Chapter 1426 held their regular meeting on : Feb.15th at the Moose Hall. Mrs.D.McLellan : of Schreiber was enrolled by her sponsor, : the Senior Regent, Anne Todesco, Various business of the Chapter was dis- cussed, The March lst meeting will be taken by the Moosehaven Committee with Leona Mercure as Chairman having the Chap- ter Night, ta 4 ie 4 1 1 4 i i ay * By ay a NF aah ce Rae! AFTERNOON CHURCH AUXILIARY PACK 'PARCELS Mrs, M.McCausland chaired the meeting Monday afternoon of the Afternoon Auxiliary in the Community Church. The Devotional period was led by Mrs.G.Maitland and Mrs. D.LaPorte accompanied at the piano. Minutes of the past meeting were read by ' || Mrs.0,Mason. Members decided to sell maple Syrup and Mrs, L.Harris agreed to take . : orders, Used Christmas cards for Missionaries in India and used nylons for Overseas Relief were packaged for shipment and hymn books repaired, The meeting closed with a social hour when Mesdames S,Lundberg and W.Ander-~ son served tea,