' ' ' ' ! ! { HERE aN THERE IN SCHREIBER Mre,d.P, Gagnon has returned-from Toronto where he visited with his son Boyer who is attending Radié College, Mrs. LAs Slater with wiane and Lonna left. Friday. to, spend their vacation in Vancouver, BsC, Mr, end Mrs. W.u. Graham, Fort Willian, '@ecompanied by Christie and Yonnic have errived to spend the summer et Walker Lake, elso arriving from Fort William to spend the summer at°the Lake are Mrsi'F, Kelly, Mr. & lirs. J, Matheson; JGanne} Janice end Kelly. Mr, end Mrs, Relph Morrill end family of Turonto 'ere presently visiting relatives and will se spending sofe 'timed at Walker Lake. Mr, and Mrs, R. Sisson and family left for Orillia and other EastermOnterio points to spend their vacation visiting relatives and friends, : ; Mr, Potor Halonen and children of Ottawa, Onterio errived Friday by car to. visit relatives. _ : Mir arid Mré, Join Miller of Hemilton, Ontario. ave here visiting members of the Miller: fantily,, . Miss June McLellan who greducated from St, Joseph Hospital School of Nursing @ week ago received an awerd for bedside proficicney, June is the daughter. of Mr,.and Mrs. vw, MicLellan, er ree eee, PHONE 115 OPEN FRIDAY TILL 9 PM 9 te tee SUMMER CLEARANCE!!! SKIRTS Special purchase of cool and light, loose pleated summer cotton skirts. Also whipcord slim-line cotton skirts, SIZES 10 to 18 Assorted colours, Regular $2.49 to "EGS SPORTSWEAR CLEARANCE Dozens of terrific timely bar- gains in women's sportswear, Take a tip and shop early. You will find tremendous values in_ shorts,' pedal pushers, hi-lo's and slims and blouses, $4.98 values. 1198 292°"! 306) say colorful T-Shirts clearing at an amazing low price, LC) AS SIZES - Small, Medium and Large _ ANNOUNCEMENT - Watch our Flyers for the ' Snnual AUGUST FURNITURE SALE, Page 4 . TERRACE BAY NEWS / July 7, 1960, A A et te ntetenenpnannnsenensnne penta ttee senate enepeeee a etl jensen ete meal ane eennent nl ane Mr. Bob Stewart of Montreal is visiting with his parents, Mr. & Mrs, Hy Stewart, Miss Gail Mellis has -completed her course et King's Business College and is now 'on the steff.of the College, ile eee emma een emeeeninaeeneene ne nceeen ene ee CaNCER CuMPalGN CLOSES. WITH $644.50 The Schreiber Byanch of the Canadian Cancer Society held a special meeting 'on Friday evening in 'the Town Hall to' close the books following the Cancer Fund Campaign held in late April. Mrs. J.u. Bryson, Pres., presided and Mrs, 0. Niemi, Secretary, read the: minutes. and» correspondence, "A letter was read from J. Brockic, Chairman of the Cancer Education Branch, Toronto, thanking the Schreiber end Rossport°arca for the fine contribution. A letter was'also received from Bev. Porter, Campaign Chairman of! the Port Arthur Unit, commending the Schreiber and Rossport people for their outstanding con- tribution to the objective of the 1960 Campaign, Mrs. H. Jartus gave the Treasurer's report stating that the sum of 644,50 had becn forwarded to the Port Arthur Unit foll- oWing the Cempaign. Contributions received through the "In Memorium' Cards was also - forwarded to the Port. Arthur Branch. Mr, and Mrs, A. Kinnear of Kingston are the guests. of Mrs. Kinnear's. sister. and brother-in-law, Mr, and Mrs, Bruce. Simon, ) (Cont!d.on Page: 7) WE HAVE MANY NON-ADVERTISED BARGAINS, SPECI- ALLY TAGGED, DIS- PLAYED THROUGHOUT THE STORE, PRICES HAVE NEVER BEEN SO. LOW, HURRY!} BOYS! T-SHIRTS THEY'RE HERE!! Boys! white short sleeve cotton T-Shirts. Ideal for gifts. Mono- grammed SCHREIBER with wild life motto, "129 Choose from Sm. Med. Large MEN'S SWIM TRUNKS Select from popular colors of ROYAL, BLACK, WINE, BLACK & PAISLEY - BRIEF OR BOXER STYLES SIZES 30 to 42 $ 298 SLIM JIMS Right: for holiday time these ever-popular, pre~shrunk 100% cotton Cord washable Slim Jims, <Attractively tapered legs, side pockets & neat self belt. BLACK $4) 98 SIZES 12 to 18 ONLY hus