February 11, 1960 TERRACE BAY NEWS Department, Ottawa. Box 579, Terrace Bay, Ontario. Published weekly each Thursday. Circulation covers Terrace Bay and Schreiber, Ontario. News deadline for advertisements is Noon each Monday, other. items Tuesday Noon, Office Phone 3747, CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING Classified Ads, Social announcements or Thank You notices must be paid within one week afte publication or a 25¢ invoicing and mailing charge willbe added, Payment may be made | at, the office Monday, Tuesday or Wednesday } or deposited in the News boxes with name of | remitter attached, Classified Ad: 2¢ per word - Minima - 40¢ Card of Thanks or Announcements: 3¢ per word or_a minimum of $1,00 eeieaatiiabiaanitc titties FOR ELECTROLUX CLEANERS, Polishers, parts & Service, contact EMIL SEPPALA dealer, 325 Argyle Street, Port Arthur, Ontario, Phone 4-1173, HOUSE FOR SALE - Peter Hrynyk Phone .89, Schreiber, HOUSE FORK SALE - Bill Davie ~ Phone 372, Schreiber. FOR SALE - One brand new Goodrich 710 X 15 tire $15,00 - One used 710 X 15 snow tire good for at least one season $3.00, Phone Ta 5-3759, TOWN TOPICS (Cont'd from Page 2) Driver Training - This program will involve all phases of traffic safety both vehicular and pedestrian, Watch the Terrace Bay News for further details. NEW YEAR'S FIRST BABY HONOURED Mr.& Mrs, Austin McMillan were guests of honour at the Kiwanis Club on February lst. The McMillan's were presented with a number of gifts and a hamper of baby foods in re- cognition of their being the parents of the first baby born in Terrace Bay in 1960, Each Kiwanian composed a short poem to accompany the gifts as :they were presented to the McMillans. A THANK YOU_FROM L.C.CROCKFORD, , PRESIDENT, I would like to thank all members of the Men's Curling Club Executive, Club members, Spectators and any others in Terrace Bay who. helped to make the Northwestern Playdowns the success they were, sib HER es: Th TE eT TT or ene FRIDAY NIGHT SPECIAL FEB, 12 AGI 7:00; P.M. FRIDAY 51 GAUGE, 15 DENIER NYLONS per pair HUDSONS BAY. COMPANY TEE Ue HET AES SSUTEETTTT tees utd desde tgae LMU RUGeD gate ee enscdo anecdote TERRACE BAY NEWS Authorized as 2nd Class:Mail - Post Office e SPRING HAT PREVIEW MONDAY, FEBRUARY 15TH 8.15 P.M. ST, MARTIN'S CHURCH HALL ADMISSION 75¢ REFRESHMENTS DOOR PRIZE Sponsored by the C.W.L. Hats Courtesy of the HUDSON'S BAY - COMPANY psaTUUUH gODLEU UODDOOONUOLLLARADUUQOOC OUUDOQUOOUUON UCTTOTERS TE TUOETESTD TOO ECeTTOTTS TTT TST NOTICE = Miss E,Ballard of the Schreiber Beauty Shop returned last Friday from Winni- peg after taking an advanced course in Beauty Culture. DAN COGLAN GUEST SPEAKER AT K.C.BREAKFAST On Sunday, January 3lst, members of St, Edward's Council of the Knights of Columbus, with their wives, received Holy Communion at the 10:00 A.M,Mass in St.Martin's Church and assembled immediately after in the Dining Room of Hotel Terrace for breakfast. Seated at the head table were Very Rev. E,A,Gallagher, Mr.Dan Coglan, guest speaker and Mrs.Coglan, M.J,Nicol, Grand Knight and Mrs.Nicol and J.K,MacDonald, master of Cere- monies, and Mrs.MacDonald. The guest speaker, introduced by Grand Knight Nicol, told the story of Our Lady of Guadalupe describing the circumstances that lead to the building of the Shrine at Guada- lupe in Mexico. Arrangements for the occasion were under the direction of the Council's General Pro- gram Chairman, Jack Anderson. NEWS FROM THE BLACK BEAR TROOP The meeting of Thursday, February 4th, was attended by 16 boys and four leaders. Mike Saunders and Tom Gerow were invested and Gary Crandlemire received his Hiker's Badge. Patrol Leader Owen Turner accepted the honour pennant on behalf of his Buffalo Patrol which had earned the most points in January. The emergency for this week was to 'get a boy off of a high tension wire. A court of honour meeting was held on Friday and the P,L,'s and Seconds who attended}. discussed eotemas important es FALCON TROOP The Falcon Troop of the Terrace Bay Boy Scouts and the Akela Cub Pack held a "going- up" Ceremony Monday night, February 8th when 2nd star Cub Kelly Phillips became a scout, The boys of the Pack sent Kelly off to scouts « with a Grand Howl and he bade them goodbye. Cub master, Ed Pineault led Kelly to the Scouts and introduced him to Scout Master Sam Ballantine who congratulated him and welcomed him into the Falcon Troop. Kelly was then presented to 2nd Patrol Leader Ingo Schmeid- chen of the Panther Patrol who introduced him to some of the boys in the patrol. (cont'd Page 7)