TOWN IOFICS: Page 2 TERRACE BAY CHURCH SERVICES COMMUNITY CHURCH - Dr, A, Lavender Sunday, December 6, 1959 9.30: A.M. = Senior Sunday School 11.00 A.M, - Beginners & Junior Sunday School 11.00 A.M, - MORNING WORSHIP - "The Christians D, Day" 7.30 P.M, - C.G.I,T. Vesper Service ST. MARTIN'S CHURCH ~ Rev,Dean E,A, Gallagher SATURDAY - Confessions 3-4 P.M, and 7-8 in the evening. SUNDAY - Masses 8,15 and 10,00 AWM, Evening Devotions - 7,30 P.M, Mass during the week at 7.45 and on Saturday at 8.30 A.M, ROSSPORT = ST. JOHN BERCHMANTS Mass every Tuesday evening at 7.30 P.M, ST.- MARTIN'S PARISH LIBRARY St.Martin's Parish Library will be open from 7 to 8 P.M, every Wednesday night. | | ae wondey evening, vecamber 7th, the Ladies Auxiliary will meet in the Terrace Bay: Comm unity Church at 8:15 P.M, This will be the annual Christmas party and program and members are requested to bring a new or used toy for the Boy Scout Toy Chest for needy children in place. of. the usual gift exchange, The Afternoon Group of the Ladies Auxil- iary will meet. at.1:45 P.M, for their Christmas Party in the Community.Church, A special meeting of the Women of. the Moose will be held on Wednesday, December end for practise, of enrolment on Lecember 4th... iiveryone please be in attendance} The monthly meeting of the Catholic Women's League will be held one week earlier on Sunday, December 6th at 8:00 F,M. in St, Martin's Church .Hall,. The monthly Commn- ion, Sunday will remain as. usual: on Dec.13th, Sincere sympathy is expressed to Mrs, Sheila dwaresh and tir. E.J.bichdam, whose Mother, lirs, Edward McAdam passed away in the Lakehead on,Sunday, Funeral services will be conducted onliednesday in Schreiber, We welcone back Mr, Percy McCredie who arrived last week from Norway Bay, Quebec to spend the winter with his neice Mrs.) Viv~ ian Hanna and. family.» Klaas Wiebe and wife Esther and their. children Koy and Cathy are visiting the John Dejonghes this week on their return from Germanys The Wiebes were in Germany for three years with the Canadian Air Force, dips, anne Graham of Toronto is visiting for a month with her Mother, Mrs,Hobb, brother-in-law and sister, Mr.& Mrs.A,Sinkins, TERRACE BAY NEWS _ Rican December 3 1959, SCHREIBER CHURCH SERVICES ST.JOHN'S ANGLICAN CHURCH - Rev. Rs Inshaw 8.30 A.M, --- Holy Communion 11.00 A.M, - Choral Eucharist 7.00 P.M, - Evensong SUNDAY SCHOOL - 9,30°A.M, UNITED CHURCH - Rev, Russell Crook 10,00 A.M, - SUNDAY SCHOOL 11.00 A.M, - Morning Worship 7,00 P.M, - Evening Service HOLY ANGELS CHURCH - Rev.Father J.M. Cano DAILY MASSES - 7,30 A.M, Saturday Confessions - 4 to 5,30 P.M. - 7.30 to 9,00 P.M. SUNDAY MASSES - 8.00 A.M, - 9,30 & 11.00 A.M, Sunday evening Devotions - 7.30 P.M, Baptisms by appointment only. EVANGELICAL LUTHERAN CHURCH - Vicar J.Tuomisto 10.00 A.M. - SUNDAY SCHOOL SCHREIBER GOSPEL MISSION - Mr. Ron Sheffield Sunday - 11.00 A.M. - Sunday School, all ages 2,00 P.M, - Rossport Sunday School 7,00 P.M. - Gospel Service Wednesday - 8,00 P.M. - Prayer and. Praise Elva and Fred McMillan with Bob and Wendy were weekend visitors in Fort William with Gussie and Alan. ifard, Liz and Maurice Osmar, 4rlene and Marvin Osmer, were in the Lakehead last weekend to attend the marriage of Maurice' and Marvin's sister Charlene Osmar to John Dubee in Fort William on Saturday, Visiting this week at the home of Liz and Maurice Osmar is lirs, Glenice Thibitout of Timmins, Ontario. JUNIOR ART DISPLAYED LAST SATURDAY Junior art Classes have been conducted Mondays and Wednesdays for the past four weeks by Mrs. Sadie Gaulin and Mrs.Mary Middaugh. Mrs, Gaulin takes the junior age group and Mrs, Middaugh the seniors. Both instructed the children in basic art while working in pastels and charcoal, Last Saturday the results of the classes were exhibited with a fine attendance of both children and adults, & vote of appreciation goes to both ladies for their excellent en- deavours with the the children, ANNUAL BaZeR PRESENTED BY COMMUNITY CHURCH With Christmas. just around the corner, the annual Bazaar at the Community Church Saturday afternoon filled many gaps in the shopping lists of Terrace Bay ladies, who also enjoyed a delightful tea as they con- cluded their purchases,. Convening the Bazaar for the Ladies auxiliary was Mrs. Lil Harris who expressed her eppreciation to all involve for the success of this event. Mrs, Ethyl Maitland was tea room convenor and pouring at the lace covered tee table were Mesdemes Elsie Berndtsson, Virginia Galvin, Helen West and Ruby Smith, Mrs, Beatrice MacFadyen replenished while Mrs. Linnea. Steen brewed the tea, Miss Janet: wills was Tearoom Cashier, Convening the Christmas tree were ere Olson and iirs, o ont'd Page 3) --