TERRACE BAY CHURCH SERVICE COMMUNITY CHURCH - Dr. A. Lavender 9.30 A.M, - Senior Sunday School 11.00 A.M. - Beginners Sunday School 2.00 P.M. - Junior Sunday School 11.00 A.M. - MORNING WORSHIP - Sermon subject - "Driving or Driven?" eS Evening Service . CHURCH - Dean E,A.Gallagher SATURDAY - Confessions 3-h P.M, and 7-8 in the evening. SUNDAY . - Masses 8,15 and 9.30 A.M Evening Devotions - 7.30°P.M, Mass during the week at 7.45. and on Satur- d ; ST. MARTIN'S | ay at 8.30 A.M. | ROSSPORT MASS - 11,30 A.M. COMBINED CHORUSES WORKING ON PROGRAMME The, combined Terrace Bay Ladies! and Men's Choruses continue practising each week for _ the concert to be presented later this Spring. Last week those ladies who arrived a little | early for the combined practise listened in and were favourably impressed with the men's - efforts, It is impossible for participants | to evaluate audience appeal in practises but you can take it from your reporter that, if ' the sample -heard is any indication, the. men will be outstanding in their selections, - | The Ladies' Chorus regret that one of their out standing members, Mrs, S. Keller, is leav- ing Terrace Bay, This group is, therefore, working doubly hard to perfect the numbers to | be presented . by them, | ART CLUB EXHIBIT. THIS THURSDAY & FRIDAY | A travelling exhibition of twenty paint- ings from Fort Frances and Internstional Falls | will be on display on Thursday, April 9th at {8 P.M, and after 4 P.M. Friday, April 10th | in the large meeting room of. the Recreation | Centre, This exhibition of art features landscapes, j still life, portraiture and abstract: work and' i is being promoted to acquaint the 'public with | the work being done by other groups,' There jis.no charge and everyone is welcome. i 1 Mr, & Mrs, M,. Chepelsky and family. motored to Lroquois Falls to spend the Easter weekend 'with her parents, Mr, & Mrs, A, Fregent and {Mrs B, Sheped sys: Mr, & Mrs, Chas. Adey aa) North Senramtxio; | California, recently. announced thie Sogomement {of their only daughter Louis, to Lauren 5, 'Marsh, som of Mr...&/ies.. Hi yMansh acces 1B Th ddi ake piace dim -Cadcrane ays € we ing wii Div p1ace Lh wacramen-- to in. September, i. Wigan g of Silver Birch Charker 0, ES. are ; reminded that on Monday, .Aerid: data a Pon Jick | Supper honouring the D.D, Gif. we AG, Sebick Dares 'ders will be held. Those pe sod annie Leo eit atin TERRACE BAY NEWS rea Secretary. _ "are asked to contact either Mrs.H.R. Harris, April 9,1959 SCHREIBER CHURCH SERVICES or. JOHN'S ANGLICAN CHURCH - Rev, R. Inshaw 8.30 ALM. = Holy Communion 11,00 A.M, - Mattins 7.00 P.M. - Evensong 9,30 A.M. - CHURCH SCHOOL UNITED CHURCH - Rev, Russell Crook. 11,00 A.M, - Morning Worship 7.00 A.M, - Evening Service 10,00 A.M, --- SUNDAY SCHOOL HOLY ANGELS .CHURCH - Fr,Geo, mpechs Dats 8.00 A.M. - Mass 8.30 A.M. - Children's Mass 10.45 A.M, - High Mass for adults Sy ™ 7.30°P.M. - Evening Devotions Saturday confessions 11, 00. A.M, and at 3% 00 and 7,30 F.M, SCHREIBER GOSPEL MISSION Service on Wednesday at 8,00 P.M. Sunday morning at 11.00 A.M. Sunday School for all age groups and on Sunday evening at 7 P.M. THE CHURCH OF JESUS CHRIST OF LATTER DAY SAINTS HOLD THEIR Sunday School each Sunday morning at 10,30 A.M. in the home of the SO CO CR LIS AE ST TE SE SNE ARS RANE ENO HN RE wep ernest Set, ence Terrace Bay or Mrs.H -Wallace, Schreiber, Janice Gross was surprised and delighted when her school chums gathered at the home of Mrs.Lloyd Paulsen Monday, March 30th to cele- brate her thirteenth birthday with a party, _ Records and games were enjoyed and Mrs, Paulsen! served the girls the birthday cake and sand- wiches, i { Mac Craig with Douglas, Barry and Judy of | of Ft,William were in Terrace Bay last week visiting with their many friends, | | Mr,& Mrs, Al.Fedyk of Ft.William spent . Easter weekend visiting with Mr.Fedyk's sis- ters Annie Erickson and Rose Garriock, Mrs.Olga Crockford and children of Franz spent Easter holidays visiting with Norma and Len Crockford. Husband Al joined them for the | weekend, ot a | Nancy Lynn Gould celebrated her sixth birth. day on Saturday, April 4th with a party for | eleven of her friends, They all watched Tele- vision, played games and had lunch before re- j turning home with baloons and treats, Mrs,Edith Belliveau had a party Tuesday. afternoon, March 3lst in honour of her daugh- ter Sharon's eighth birthday. Mrs Sharon's aunt, D,vakin assisted. with the eight little +5 oer 7! J 1 guests wile she ayed games and had their party lunch and isft for home with favours, Mr, & Mrs. Clarence Mayo of Ft.William pert ~atoe; weekend with their daughter Mrs, Doroth ¥ Lakins Eight little friends joined Michael Kurylo on a placa to celebrate: his third * birondey and enjoyed games, cake and favours, ik Peninlendasee#mcdutmamsmeuinad toc ea