eS TERRACE BAY NEN! ' | TERRACE. BAY _CHURCU. NEWS , | | COMMUNITY CHURCH --Dr, A. Lavender |} 9.30 A.M. - Senior Sunday School (11,00 A.M, - Primary Sunday School 2.00 P,M. - Beginners Sunday School }11.00 A.M. - MORNING SERVICE - | "Whose Son are. You" | 7.30 P.M. - EVENING SERVICE - 1 'ST.MARTIN'S CHURCH - Dean E.A,Gallagher SATURDAY, Confessions 3-4 P.M, and 7-8 in the evening. , SUNDAY = Masse's"8.15 and 9.30 A.M. se Devotions - 7,30 P.M, Mass during the week 8.00 A.M. and on ;Saturday at 8.30 A.M, sossro MASS - 11.30 A.M. 'BROWNIE CANDY. & COOKIE SALE.ON SATURDAY | The Brownies of the Third Terrace Bay 'Brownie Pack will be holding a Candy and \Cookie Sale this Saturday, January 3lst jin the Recreation Centre at 3,00 P.M. Proceeds from the sale will go to the 'Crippled Children's Building Fund, habe CLASSES TO RESUME JANUARY 31st Dancing classes will commence January '31st at the usual times, There area jnumbe r of vacancies in the beginner's 'class for four year olds. All members fare urged to be present. 'NORTH SHORE NAVAL VETERAN'S ASSOCIATION Membership cards in the North Shore 'Naval Veteran's Association can now be 'obtained from Dr, McCausland, Mike Strocen iand Edgar Leblanc, Dues are "$5, QO per year per member, payable semi-annually if de- 'sired. The membership committee will con- 'tact all ex-naval and merchant navy (High 'Seas Service) and explain the benefits of ithe association and the distribution of ithe membership fees. An open meeting is scheduled for the near future - the time and date to be pub- 'lished later in the Terrace Bay News. All members and prospective members are asked jto attend. January 29th, 1959, SCHREIBER CHURCH NEWS ST. JOHN'S ANGLICAN CHURCH-Rev. Inshaw 8,30 A.M, - Mass 11,00 A.M, - Litany 10.00 A.M, SUNDAY SCHOOL 7.00 P.M, - Evensong Service UNITED CHURCH - Rev.Russell Crook 11+00 A.M, - Morning Worship 7,00 P.M, - Evening Service 10,00 A.M, - Sunday School HOLY ANGELS CHURCH-Fr.Geo.Epoch, J 8,00 A.M. = Mass 8,30 A.M, - Children's Mass 10.45 A.M, - High Mass for adults only 7.30 P.M. - Evening Devotions Saturday Confessions 11.00 A.M. and 3 and 7,30 P.M. SCHREIBER GOSPEL MISSION Service on Wednesday at 8,00 P.M, Sunday morning at 11,00 A.M. Sunday School for all age groups and on Sunday evening at -7,00 P.M, ' THE CHURCH OF JESUS CHRIST OF LATTER DAY SAINTS hold their Sunday School each Sunday morning at 10.30 A.M, in the home of the Y.M.C.A. Secretary. B. O'Neill, Treasurer, M.Gross, Assistant Guide L, Haviland and co-workers N.Marquis, M. Duriez, A. Didura and K,. Furyk, Each Sen- ior Regent of all Chapters attending outlined an outstanding project that was held by their Lodge 6 At the close of the meeting a social hour was held with the hostess chapter serving a dainty lunch. Women of the Moose, Chapter 1426 will hold their regular meeting Wednesday, February 4th in the Moose Hall at 8.15 P.M. COMMUNITY CHURCH AUXILIARY TO MEET MONDAY The February meeting of the Ladies Auxil- | iary will be held Monday the 2nd, at 8.15 P.M, in the Terrace Bay Community Church, Mrs, F,.0O,Soughton will present a preview of the year's activities, highlighting topics from the Bible. A demonstration on the care of African Violets will be given by Mrs. M.McCausland. All members are urged'to attend and bring their friends to this very interesting meet--_ ing. et ne a ee aR I IS