i HOUSE LEAGUE TEAMS & SCHEDULE , the Army team in the House League this year. teams, but who wish' to join the League, should 'Regiment. __ 3. Marquis, L.°Waghorn, A. "De'forighe, J, Kenney. 'WHITES = Coaches - M,Newell & B,Hanley. a -- G Mackay, M, Newell, P, Diduch, -J, Marsh, C, Sitch, G, Crandlemire, B. Hanley "EN'S CURLING CLUB NOVELTY BONSPIEL *. Ends = All -games will be eight ends, re '+ Party - Saturday night - open .to.all. club "axed Curling 1 GOMOD oO 3W. Lhee wnat we, Below are the teams that will compete with Any players that are not included on these contact the Recreation Office immediately, TEAMS; ARMY *= Honeys of the ~ Superior SREENS - Coaches = E Knight & J, Phillips, -- me D.Wheeler, G. Black, E. Knight, Wd. Vezina, Dex Kenney, E..Nicol, J, Phillips, se Kolody, ds Whiteside, K, Ward. OTE: INTERNATIONAL RULES WILL BE ENFORCED. 'his means, that there-is no board checking, body checking in the defensive zone only and- 'trict' ruling on slashing, charging, 'etc, SCHEDULE: .~. Monday, -February~2nd~--9-PM;--- oreens at Whites "ues. Feb.3rd -8 P.M, - Army; At. Greens ion. Feb,.9th - EXHIBITION 7 'ues.Feb.10th = 8 P.M, - Whites at Ammy 'ion, Feb.16.- 9.P.M, - EXHIBITION © -ues.Feb.17th = 8 P.M, = Greens at Army SECOND HALF OF SCHEDULE WILL BE ANNOUNCED LATER, o be held on February 6th and 7th, '. Points ~ All teams will start with 10 points, Difference in score in each game will be added to or subtracted from initial 10 points, E.G, -- if you win 10-5, add "five points to your score, loser subtracts five, in cases of a tie. Draws - Friday, February 6th, 9 P.M, i]: draw. Saturday, February 7th - 6 draws. Shift workers will be abebianods ted as well as possible. Players - All members ol ais sdoiaté members will be curling unless names are signed to lists posted at Curling rink or main mill bulletin board, Lists will be ee Jah 22nd .and removed Fébruary 4th, . ae - if you don't want to curl, sign the list. Prizes - 1 set of prizes for -- -- team, 1 set of prizes for low scoring "team. members and partners, Due to the above bonspiel the February 7th 'caw will be postponed one week to. Feb.14th. "STLING RINK WINS 2nd PRIZE IN MARATHON Last weekend the Ostlixg Rink took 2nd prize-in the first event at the Marathon Bonspiel. Hlectric Razor each, INVEST IN - THE FUTURE OF CRIPPLED ' CHILDREN IN ONTARIO, (Oo, TERRACE BAY _ ation of: Canada: Limited will 'be host company | all paper mills in the' Northwestern Ontario - Section, * athon on February 3rd and later in the day ' ular meeting. 'in a dis: Congress" NEWS Janvary 29, 1959 < aes . THIS As Lc lie For some "time, 'nowwe have Been exferinent- ing with various types. of paper and an: assortment of printing 'devices. We now believe that we have. found | a "combination which will espee, tate our" cus tome rs" 'and ourselves." LP. We hope , 'as, time progresses,. te be able to handle more of., your. printing and adver- tising needs such as programmes, tickets, etc. MARATHON CORPORATION TO SPONSOR SAFETY MEET -- February 3rd and 4th, Marathon Corpor- for a two day Safety Meet for delegates from The™ ie loeatns will tour the Plant at Mar- the section's Executive will have their reg- A Dinner will be- sponsored the same evenin by the host company at 7:00 P.M, at the Ever- est Hotel. Guest speaker will be Mr, F.0. Soughton of Terrace Bay who will give an illustrated talk on The Brussels World Fair, Wednesday, February: 4th, will be devoted to a series of meetings, commencing at 9.00 A.M, in the Recreation Hall. Mrs. Fred T.Morrish, Safety sdcieiend: The Ontario-Minnesota Pulp" & Paper Company Limited, Fort Frances, Ontario and.General Chairman for the FOUR will Chair all meet- ings. Reports will be presented on the 'Brarich?* Contest - A summarization of injuries for the last. quarter in 1958 and a paper will be given on "The Hazards of Chlorine Dioxide _ Bleaching", For the afternoon session a film "One is too Many" will be' shown, Mr. DB. Chant, Secretary-Fugineer, The Ontario Puip & Paper Makers Safety Assdctation with lead. a-Panel cussion on "40tn 'National Safety To rdund off the meeting, Mr, Sovghton - will again adaress tue group and his topic wili be. "What makes a goad Safety Programme?" This ;wald~besthe first meeting of tne Northwestern Section in 1959 and a large attcudapee issantied pated. | Verte" Tints san, Bake ty Supervisor of the. Jats rracdl EN RY attend in his official Rune » Cliff Wood, Don Whitley, and Doug. Kart - Knight came home' posse$sors of a Ronson 668s capac CALI. ee 4 2 ne ener wee "Bs ~ «» The ieeae, announcement by Pope 'iota. catia ing for an Betinenical should add impetus to what evangélists have been increasingly crying during the' past decade - a return to religion.