"January 21, 1959 TERRACE BA NEWS "Authorized as 2nd Class Mail - Post Office Department, Ottawa Box 579, Terrace Bay, Ontario. Published weekly on each Thursday. Circulation cov- ers Terrace Bay and Schreiber, Ontario. PUBLISHER & EDITOR - J. B. Beddard Managing Editor - I, R. Marsh News deadline for advertisements is Noon each Monday, other items Tuesday Noon. Social items in Terrace Bay can be given to Mrs. R. Cotton and Schreiber news passed to Mrs. L. McCuaig. CARD OF THANKS - Mrs. T.Bryant (Auntie Min) is most grateful for the many cards sent and good wishes extended while she was ill. CLASSIFIED ADS HAVE EXPERIENCE - WILL BABYSIT. Wilf.Caune. Ph.3658, STORK CLUE NEWS orn to Mr, & Mrs. A. Morris, Schreiber, a daughter on January 10th. HORTICULTURAL SOCIETY MEETING The January meeting will be held on Fri- day, January 16th in the large meeting room at the Recreation Center. Mr. F.0.Soughton will be our guest and will show slides of his trip to the Brussels World Fair. Everyone is invited to enjoy a very inter- esting and educational evening. These monthly meetings are always open to the pvblic so come out and :ip us keep Terrace Bay the "Picture Post Card" town of the North Shore. SILVER BIRCH CHAPTER PLAN POT-LUCK SUPPER The memers of Silver Birch Chapter #264, 0.E.S. held their regular meeting in the Community Church Hall on Monday, Jan. 22th; with the W.-M, Mrs.Helen Wallace and the W.P. Mr. C.Sitch presiding. During the evening Mrs.M,.Anderson was welcomed into the chapter in a very impress- ive ceremony. = Mrs.Alsia Gratton was the lucky winner of December's Dress of the Month. Donations for the Annual Pingo to be held in March may be handed to A.Rowley, Terrace Bay or H.Wallace in Schreiber. A Pot-luck supper will be held on Feb- ruary 9th in honour of the D.D.G.M., Sybil Sanders of Dryden who will visit Terrace Bay at that time. Memoers planning to attend are asked to contact L.Harris in Terrace Bay or H.Wallace in Schreiber. The evening concluded with a social hour and lunch, complete with hot mince tarts, served by Mrs,.L.Corbett and her committee. Manners are often the thing that makes it possible to say "thank you" instead of _ "why not?! TERRACE BAY NEWS . Page S CARD _GF_THANKS Our sincere thanks to all our friends and neighbours. A special thank you to members of local 665, Order of the Eastern Star, Kiwanis and Ladies Auxiliary of the Community Church. Your kind generosity will always be remembered. (Sgd) Sam & Sandra Sto jko. FIGURE S TING NEWS | Listed below is a group of our Junior skaters who are asked to be at the Arena, with skates on, at 4 P.M. sharp each Monday. C. Valiquette, M., Kettle, C. Pineault, BR. Rapke, W. Evans-Smith, M. Coupal, D. Anderson, P. Duguette, M. & N. McLeod, C. Stewart, L. Cotton, J. Beddard, V. Locking, G. Edmonds, C. Coan, C. West, C, Malcolm, P. Timpki, k. Pattison. Dues for the remaining half of the figure skating season should be paid January 24th from 2 - 4 P.M. in the lobby of the Recreation Centre. Mrs. M. Hamilton will be in attendance, ST. JOHN AMRULANCE UARY 2ist, in the Tickets available BINGO IN SCHRETBER ON JAN- Town Hall at 8.15 P.M. from any member for $1.00. SCHREIBER TOWN COUNCIL HOLD INAUGURAL MEETING The Municipal Council held ints inaugural meeting with 2ceve D'Arcy presidin. -ad Coun- cillors Caccamo, Harness, Gordon, McGrath and Clerk-treasurer R.C.Skinner present. In his oveuing address Reeve D'Arcy wel- come? 1 444 all the counciliors in their later aadiesses. He spoke in high appreciation of the conscientious work and co-operation of clerk R.C.Skinner who has just completed his first full year in that office. Mr. D'Arcy mentioned in particular _ the books Mr.Skinner has set up by which Coun- cil may ascertain the state of any de; ~~ ~tment of their work, The great problem of the year - will be the sewage question which must be settled shortly. Schreiber has one of the lowest debt per capita of any community in the district, hew- ever, necessary improvements will, perhaps, change this picture. Snow removal is a major item but the year finished on the good ide of the ledger. Teen town officers present to seek advice were instructed by Council to have disturbers removed by the police and anyone in the build- j: > on the night of their dances, unless on business or by their invitation, were to be classed as intruders, whether they entered the dance floor or not. A discussion was held on hospital coverage ~ in various phases and a donation made to the C.N,I.B. The following employees were retain-- ed at present salaries: Clerk-K.C.Skinner; Assessor, A.W.Hadley: Utility man, T.Whitton and Dr, J.M.Cornell, M.0.H. Mrs.M.Skinner was appointed to the Board of Health and Mrs.I.McCvaig to the library board for three year terms, The Treasurer's bond was found in order for year 1959. Authorization to borrow 525,900 was civer vending tax get lections,