Goh staat THE FOLLOWING IS THE WINT PaSSENGan TiasINS - EFFECTIVE, Ii, SCHEDULE FORK OCT 27. EastBound 3 Daily - aNk: 2 Canadian 12; 12 a.m. Schreiber No. 8 Dominion 10:05'a.m. Terrace B, No. 6 Mail & Express 11:02 a.m. Terrace Bay Tues. Wi Thars. . No, 18 Budd Cars 11:10 p.m. Sunday Terrace: bay, Westbound : Daily - No. 1 Canadian 11:20 a.m. Schreiber No. 7 Dominion 6:40 p.m - Terrace bay, No. 5 Mail & Express 8:05 p.m, Terrace Jay, Tues. Thurs. No, 17 Budd Cars 7:00 a.m. sat. Terrace bay. SCOUT NEWS Don't forget that the Scout Committee Cards. These cards may be seen now, many of them can be obtained immediately. By purchasing cards from the Scouts you will be helping to finance the Summer +: Camps which mean so much to our boys. Orders may be placed with Ken Hutch- inson, Secretary of the Scout Group Conmittee. WaNTSD TO BUY - Child's skates, preferably white, size 8 or 9. - Thone 3687. sRnMeHSHEAa WILL SELL OK EXCHANGE ---Girl's white figure skates, size 1, for SiUZe iS) - Thone 3308. mere tienen ney LOST - Large grey cat. Flease phone 3544, For Sale For lent - S.FETY SUGGESTION CONTEST The first half of this contest ended September 30th, 1957. Sixty-five suggestions were submitted. Twelve did not comply with the rules anc were disqualified. Forty-one different people submitted suggestions. The winners for the fanst halt) of (ene contest are as follows: ee Prize - C. Brassard - Electrical (Engr.) Department , Sadowick - Oilers " di Qnd Prize - W. 3rd Frize - «a. Goral - Woodhancling Department. "Congratulations fellows!" The second half of the contest starts November lst anc closes December 3lst, '1957. Winners will be: announced prior to ates 31st. Come on fellows & gals, let's get these' safety suggestions entered-and see 'if you can win one of the many prizes listed on the contest form. Py LADIES .UXILL.wY - The regular monthly meet- ing of the Ladies Auxiliary to the Community Church will be held Monday , stands ready to take your order for Christmas Nov. 4th, in the church. Mrs. Galvin and her: committee will have charge of the program. Everyone is welcome. - 1 pr. Girl's White Figure Skates, size 3 - nearly new $3.50. - Washing Machine - heats the water, in good running order. Ideal for camp. 915.00 - 264 Kenogami i.d., - Phone 3573. - Men's Skates, size ll,good condition. Miller, Tost Office. - 2 Snow Tires - 7:50x16, retreads in good shape with tubes. - :hone Mill 202 or 3608. 4 -- thee 4 loom Apartment. - Thone #2, Schreiber. - One large unfurnished room: - rhone 3566, House 411.