VEZINA -- McBRIDE NUPTIALS (cont'd) in a style to compliment the bride's. Their gowns were waltz length and featured grace- ful necklines that ended in a "Vi" at the back, short sleeves and a low torso. The many gored princess skirts fell over delica- tely tinted petticoates to match. Mittens were fashioned of the same organdy. Mrs. Wery chose dewey green while Misses McBride and Sitch were in misty yellow. The wee flower girl wore a floor length organdy gown of pale pink with taffeta underslip, fashioned with a wide ruffled collar and large sash tied at the back. All wore crown- less picture hats to match their dresses, Cascade bouquets of bronze mums intermingled with stephanosis and hanging clusters of ivy were carried by the attendants while the flower girl held a basket of pink and mauve baby mums, Mr. Clarence McBride was groomsman for his 'brother and ushers were Messrs. Edson Morrill and Willard Vezina, brother of the . bride, A wedding breakfast for the bridal party and immediate family -at Hotel Terrace followed. the ceremony. During the afternoon the reception was held at the Curling Club Lounge with the bride's mother receiving in a sheath dress of flowered silk, topped with a beige linen duster, lined with the material used inthe dress, Her accessories were of beige and she wore a corsage of talisman roses. The groom's mother chose a steel blue brocaded taffeta gown, white accessories and a corsage of sweetheart roses, The bride's table, covered with a white linen cloth, held the three-tiered pillared wedding cake, top of which was adorned with rosebuds and lily of the valley. Tulle and rosebuds surrounded the cake, "The wedding cake was cut by Mrs. Lorne Vezina, sister-in-law of the bride and the servitors were Misses Bella Begin, Helen Laundy, Vivian Gresdal, Marlene Steen and Myrna Wainwright. Miss Joyce Sitch circulated the guest book and the toast to the bride was made by Mr. Clarence McBride, The couple left on a honeymoon trip to Buffalo, travelling in a navy linen sheath dress with white and newy check bolero styled jacket, white picture hat and accessories and a cor-- sage of sweetheart roses. Mr. and Mrs. McBride will reside in Schreiber, Out-of-town guests at the wedding were Mr. and Mrs, Theo Ryan, Mr. and Mrs, Douglas Woodcock, Mr. and Mrs. E. Anderson and fanily and Miss Doris Guarasci all of Port Arthur; (cont'd. next column) Niagara Falls and Hamilton, the bride Page 6 Mrs. Frank Holland and Miss Joyce Karam of Fort William; Mrs. N. Rousell and daughter Rita, Mrs. A. Leclerc with sons Richard and 4rthur and daughter Lorraine of Chapleau; Mrs. A, Berube and son Euclid and Miss Rena Prete of Nipigon; and Mrs, Joe Potvin and daughter Patsy of Seven Islands, Quebec. Before her marriage the bride was entertained by the staffs of St, Martin's and the Public School, Terrace Bay prior to school closing; by Miss Cecile Adamo, Terrace Bay; Mrs,. Anne Wery in Port Arthur and Miss Gail Birch in Schreiber who arranged showers. rn Ry OC eae WOMEN OF THE MOOSE, CHAPTER 1426 Make Plans for the Ensuing Year On Wednesday, July 31st, the Executive of the Women of the Moose and the Chapter Development Chairmen of Terrace Bay Chapter 1426 met. at Co-worker Muriel Mantey's home to draw up the calender year and the various committees. The Senior Regent Natalie Coates presided and Recorder Elizabeth Burns took care of the minutes and correspondence, Those present were co-workers larguerite Duriez, Isabelle DeLaronde, Viola Fedorak, Bernice Williams, Elsie Berndtsson, Anne Todesco, Elizabeth Burns, Muriel Mantey and Natalie Coates, Senior Regent Coates explained the duties of the different committee chairmen in relation to the chapter's activities during the year. Also the purpose in fund raising projects of the chapter, Final arrangements were made for the Terrace Bay Derby draw on the size of the largest fish caught. with tickets to be 25¢ each and the prize for the winning ticket to be twenty dollars. 'Tiigkets are available from all Chapter members. wre . This draw was authorized by the. Derby committee of the Kiwanis Club. The chapter also has planned a concession at the arena the day of the derby. Co«workers were appointed to assist at the various tasks in conjunction with the entertainment and project. All prizes. to be in cash, Draw tickets were distributed for sale, The following committees were drawn up: MOOSEHEART ALUMNI .- Chairman ~ Dot Koski; meeting - August. Committee - Muriel Mantey, Rose Maillette, RITUAL - Chairman - Isabelle DeLaronde; meeting - February. Committee - Betty Sweet, Anne Stachiw, (cont'd. on Page 7 )