jie 4 ¢? A ip i ya SUMMER ne Sy Ade UD DAS SHRIMP SALAD WITH REMOULADE DRESSING If there is anything to equal or surpass shrimp cocktail, it is shrimp sauced in the following way, To go along, have plenty of feathery popovers, mushroom consomme, and wind up with fresh pineapple and strawberries with coconut flakes, The Salad - Chop 4 hard-cooked eggs, Add 1 teaspoon dry mustard, 2 tablespoons chopped parsley, 2 tablespoons chopped green pepper, 1 teas- poon green onion, 2 teaspoons anchovy paste, a few drops of Worcestershire sauce, 1 cup mayonnaise and 8 stuffed olives, thinly sliced, Combine 13 pounds cooked, cleaned shrimp, fresh or frozen, 2 cup diced celery and enough of the dressing to coat it nicely. Serve in a lettuce-lined bowl and garnish with addi- tional stuffed olives. Makes 4 to 5 servings. In smaller portions, it is a fine hors d'oeuvre. ee With the mosquitoes, black-flies, and bite-'em - no-see-'ems, picnic time is here, The following item from a daily paper seems timely and quite funny too: "There nothing could be more enjoyable in the good tummer sime than a pickdoor outnik in the spide open waces, Select a day when the cleather is were and the loamidity is hew and make sure that the pickle you invite to your peenick are fresant and plendly, because just one doisy name or a guy who's a jactical praker and the whole spay can be doiled. Fildren are chine, providing they meep out of serious kischief and don't try to emugrown the behavious ofthe late-ups, you know that someone's brungster is a yat simply neglite to invect him, It's nice to take along coffitches and sandee, pilldickles, sotato palad and chide fricken, These are all papes on sticknicks -- but it's the ettle lixtras that count -- you know, like cuckled pick- numbers, patipo chates and Koda sop for the piddies and a big shaketail cocker full of haulerages for the solder oaks, it helps to keep herits spy and garts hay, ger POA Oh yes}! and don't forget naper papkins, caper pups and parboard clates, -- a least nut not, a gay sprun with deedles and deedles of oo dee tee, becaues bies and flugs are anything but pickum on a welnick," HHREKHRHH HH H x 3 x ue 7" Congratulations to Mr. & Mrs, E. Rowson, on the birth 'of a daughter, July 13th, THANK YOU NOTE * I would like to express my sincere thanks and appre- ciation to our friends and neighbours in Sch- reiber, for the lovely Stork Shower and Farewell Party given me. Your thoughtfulness and mmy lovely gifts were deeply appreciated. - Cora Bajkiewich, HRHKHRKHH HH HH HHH Two new nurses have joined the staff of Terrace Bay Private Hospital recently. They are, Miss Joan Clinton or Toronto, and Miss Jessie Biggar of Windsor, . a ste See Sey a ae eae, ae Seen, § THANK YOU - We wish to thank relatives, friends, and neighbors for their kindness, sympathy, and beautiful floral offerings received during our bereave- ment in the loss of our Daughter and Sister Shawn Desrosiers. - Marion, Alphonse, and Sisters, Shirley and Sharon, WH HH HK Ht ee Margaret and Jean Santerre with Paul, Mark and Mary Pat were the guests of Jean's parmts, Mr. and Mrs, Omer Santerre of Kapuskasing for a week, AROUND-THE-TOWN = -- Cliff Knauff has his son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs, William Hahn and his granddaughter Vallie of Athens, Ohio visiting with him, Joanne Haviland had twenty little guests at her sixth birthday party last Thurs- day afternoon, July llth, After the excitement eevee. cont'd page 5,