25th, 1957 uly 19th ' Friday. & Saturday - "LAST OF THE BADMEN" G. Montgomery, Meg Randall Sunday Midnite, Monday, Tuesday, "RYE WITNESS" Muriel Pavlon | Donald Sinden Wednesday & Thursday - e Ss "BREAK IN CIRCLE" Forrest Tucker Eva Bartok (color) Cinemescope. "Ginn, Frank P, 3 Mikus, James Hales, Bobby Anderson, Keith Pelto, Sarah LeClair, Gordon Latour, Jacqueline Mallais, Robert Kenney, Colleen Valiquette, Jane MacLeod, Nadine LeClair, John LeBlanc, Paulette MacLeod, Mary Pat 2 WOMEN OF THE MOOSE -- The Terrace Bay Chapter of the Women of the Moose held their first. meting.. of the year on Wednesday, July 3rd-in thé large meeting room in the Recreation Centre with Senior Regent Coates conducting. Following the opening exercises the minutes of the last meeting were approved as read and outstanding accounts passed for payment. A vote ofthanks was expressed to the local Loyal Order of Moose for the flowers for the Installation of Chapter Officers and to the co- workers who assisted, A. Todesco thanked the co-wa@kers for their donation to the Rossport children's picnic, The Executive Committee and the standing _ Committee Chairmen are to mcet on Wednesday , July HOSPITAL VISITING HOURS - Visiting hours for both Private and Semi-private Wards are 2:30 to 4:30 in the afternoon and 7 to 8:30 in the evenings, Regulations concerning Maternity Patients are unchanged - i.e., the Father and both Grand- mothers and Grandfathers may visit -- no other relatives or friends will be allowed, If the Grandparents are not in this vicinity and will not be visiting, one woman friend may visit, but her name mst be stated, and only that person may visit. ; PE A RE IE RE PM ae de ' POLIO INNOCULATIONS The following persons are due for their third polio innoculation. Please come to the hospital for these on Tuesday, July -- 23, between the hours of 9 a.m. and 12 noon, and 2 p.m. and 5 Dem, "i Rennett, Gerald Stachiw, Julie Barker, Connie - Marquis, Barry Fletcher, Audrey Boudreau, John Little, Jackson Rowley, James McInnes, Sandra, Milks, Marg. Rowson, Richard Thomas, Kit LeBlanc, Roger Adamo, Gene Corrigan, Walter Dennis, George be ehvaier LCC CO lS 31st to draw up projects for the-cdendar year, Different projects were suggested -to be -studied at this meeting, A salad luncheon was served by the Executive Committee and enjoyed by all. The next regular meeting will be hel on Wednesday ucust 7th in the large meeting room at the Recreation Centre, Hee eee MARATHON TROUNCES TERRACE BAY 124-65 -- BASKETBALL Pace cee ON Aare sc Cae ae a The Terrace Bay Basketball Team journeyed to Marathon last Sunday for an exhibition cmtest with the Marathon team and were solidly trounced. Being confronted by a superior and sharpe' shootin Marathon team, the inexperienced but game Terrace Bay crew were completely overwhelmed, Marathon were led by Maguire and Bell , two tall sharp-shooters who chipped in with 28 points apiece, many of which were longshots. Macguire it is notéd played Varsity on the University of Saskatchewan basketball team and is known to have scored 65 points in one game last season. Thus Terrace did well in holding him to 28, } Terrace Bay were led by Mike Moziar and Paul Marcella who hit for 20 and 18 points respectivel: Marathon journeys to Terrace. on Sunéy, July 28 at which time the Terrace Bay Hoopsters will be bolstered by 4 experienced players who could not make the trip Sunday and will be out to rev- enge their humiliating defeat, Line-up and scoring for Terrace Bay: Newton 8, Marcella 18, Roberts 2, Boychuk 2, Moziar 20, Smylie 6, Baker, Zebrowski 9.