LARGEST CIRCULATION IN TERRACE BAY Vol, 7, No. 28 PROFESSIONAL WRESTLING HERE we TUESDAY -- JULY 23RD "re oa coo '7 Tuesday night at the L Terrace Bay Arena marks the 'second professional wrestling card of the summer, Last card thrilled fans with the fast, agile group of wrestlers, highlighted by a tag-team match between the Midgets, This time fans will have the oppor- tunity to see a heavyweight tag-team bout featuring Kinji Shibuya of Hawaii, who specialized in sleeper holds and operates on opponents! nerve centre, and his partner, The Great Mitsu of Japan, who uses feet, Judo holds and anything handy, tangle with Carl Engstrom, the Chicago Strong Man, and Joe Pagzandak of Medicine Lake, who period- ically challenges all comers for a $1,000 prize, In the semi-final bout, Roy McClarty of Winnipeg, who local fans saw last card- a fast, strong and clean wrestler - meets Stan Kowalski of Detroit, a gent who uses every method, fair or foul, to win. Opening card of the evening sees Karl Steiff of Brockton, Mass., home of Rocky Marciano, take on Frank Taylor of Toledo, a dazzling fast performer, Be at the Terrace Bay Arena this Tuesday to see these stars of T.V. wrestling fame, ot FAN, Ringside tickets only are now on sale at the Recreation Office, 8:30 Tuesday, July 23rd, Terrace Bay Arena Tickets: Ringside, $1.25, Adult Rush, $1,00 Children, . 290 MAIN EVENT --- Kinji Shibuya (230) Honolulu & The Great Mitsu Joe Pagandak (235) Japan (242) Medicine Lake Two falls out of three, 1 hour time limit. SPECIAL EVENT - Roy McClarty Stan Kowalski (237) Winnipeg (251) Detroit. One fall, 30 minute time limit. OPENING BOUT -- Karl Steiff Frank Taylor (250) Brockton (236) Toledo One fall, 30 minute time limit, Tag Team Match Carl Engstrom VS (229) Chicago & VS VS ROSSPORT DERBY & DANCE THIS WEEK-END July 20 and 21 is Rossport Derby week~end once again, In fact it is the 20th Annual Rossport Fish Derby. On Saturday night July 20 the Terrace Bay Hockey Association will sponsor the Derby Dance in the W.I, Hall at Rossport. Dancing wil) be from 8 P.M, until 12 midnite. Tickets are only one dollar and the door prize for a lucky winner is a portable T.V, set, Get your tickets for the dance and chance on the T.V. set fron any member of the Hockey association or the players, On Saturday and Sunday the Kiwanis Club of Terrace Bay will again operate several counters and booths to provide refreshments and fun for the crowd. All Kiwanis proceeds from these activities are spent in this immed- late area for boys! and girls! work, welfare, etc, A large crowd of visitors from all points is expected again this week-end at Rossport, so plan on attending the dance and the derby.