2 eee ORO Mh Ee wes Saturday, June 22nd, a "Manage- ment Night" Dinner was tendered by the Lake- head and District Chapter of Credit Unions. ~ thirty-two in.all, - in honour of the friendly representatives of Management in Community, Parish, Association and Industry who have so willingly aided the Credit Union Movement in its battle against usury. The Dinner was held at the Flamingo Club, in Fort William. The program opened with the Chapter President Robt. P, Milne requesting Rev. Gron Morgan of Port Arthur to say Grace for the 343 guests, followed by a toast to her Majesty the Queen, On the completion of the dinner Mr, Milne gave the welcoming address and introduced the guests at the head table, Mr. Herb Dixon, a League Director then introduced Mr, Aubrey 5S. Dalgleish, President of the Ontario Credit Union League, and guest speaker for the evening. Mr, Daleleish's very inspiring address touched on the history of the Credit Union Movement in Ontario, told of his exper- iences, and travel as a leader in this field, and was spiced with numerous jokes. The response was made by Mr. B. A. McLellan, ' Mrs. Nonie Cooper provided entertainment at the Electric Organ during the dinner, and a social hour was enjoyed following the program, NEW SCALE OF FEES SET BY DEPARTMENT OF LANDS & FCRESTS - for cottage sites on crown lands, Until 1953, frontage charges for pri-. vate summer cottage sites were 30 cents a foot for not less than 100 feet and not more than 300, In that year the price was doubled. As of April 12th this year, the price is now $1 per foot, Increases on island and commer- cial sites have been proportionate, Before 1953, private cottage site purchases were required to erect a cottage on Py Oy St. Martin's School Graduation Exercises (cont'd). Mrs, Peggy Helmink, President of the Catholic Women's League of St, Martin's Parish, made the presentation of the C.W.L. Awardsfor Deportment to Susan 'Wig and Raymond Arbour, Following the Exercises Tea was served in the Auditorium for the Graduates, parents and friends, Miss Cathy Smith and Miss Rita Vezina, teachers in St. Martin's School, poured tea from a table covered with a lace cloth md centred with a beautiful cluster of pansies. Mrs, Ray Kenney was in charge of the tea catered to by members of the C.W.L. HORTICULTURAL SOCLETY Friday evening in the Recreation Centre's meeting room, the Fort William Horticultural Society entertained members of the Local Society, Following words of greeting from their Pres- ident, Mr. Rollason, and a cordial invitation to attend their Flower Show, and also to visit with the individual members and view their gardens,, Mr, Nelon Merrifield delighted the gathering with his slides entitled, "Adventures in Colour Photography." These truly marvellous Slides taken locally, and on Mr. Merrifield's many extensive trips across Canada and through the States contained many which were prize-_ winners in the photography field, not only in Canada, but also in foreign countries, Mr. Ab Farrow, President of the Terrace Bay Society thanked Mr, Rollason, and members representing the-Fort William group. These were,in addition to Mr. Merrifield, Mr, and Mrs, Fred MacDonald, Mr. and Mrs, Albert Reeves, Mr, and Mr's. Ted Bourne and Joe Rollason. Mr, Scowen expressed the local members! ple sure ' to Mr. Merrifield for the opportunity od viewing his pictures, Mrs, Dene Clancyand Elmer Persson were in charge of refreshments served diring the social period following the meeting, WOLF CUBS PLEASE NOTE _- All Wolf Cubs going to camp on Saturday July 6th are reminded to bring their packs to which had been expended in labour and materials the Community Church on Friday evening after not less than $500 within 18 months. Since 1953 the value must be not less than $1000, expended within two years, Commercial resort sites are required to have a $3000 expenditure instead of the pre- 1953 requirement of $1000, on any regular area of a width of 600 feet or less, On larger areas the expenditure required incréases proportionately, 6 p.m, Change in visiting hours, This year parents may visit from 2 to 4 p.r sunday, July 7th, |