P, h. ng TO ~A-R-O-U-N-D- ~-T-H-E- -T-O-W-N- THE Mr, Joe Sedge, Manager of the local Hudson's Bay Company Store has been transferred LADIES to Grand Prairie, Alberta, and left Sunday with his wife Beth, and children Ronny and Heather xe 4 to holiday in Medicine Hat before takirg up residence in Grand Prairie. The Staff of the' Hudson's Bay made a presentation of a Jight meter to Mr, Sedge prior to his departure and Mrs, Sedge received a brass tray. ICED "COFFEE-BREAK" Some of"our Guides are off next Sat- SHERRIE BHESHHEEEEHHEHE urday for a week at Polly Lake. These are Susan Wig, Charlotte Craig, Cathy Cavanaugh, 3 Ways to Make Good Iced Coffee Ainsley Middaugh, Jean Stuart, Peegy Shirriff eT Pe and Mrs. Mary Middaugh, Guide Captain, Pergy 1. Quick Method - Make extra-strength Shirriff will be the lone Guide to go to coffee by using 4 measuring cup (4 fluid Pioneer Camp, ounces) of water for each Standard Meas--- ure (2 level tblsps.) of coffee -- pour hot over ice cubes, Tommy, Susie and Arlene Hansen, children of Mr, and Mrs, R. T. Hansen of Kenora Ontario arrived le st weekend to spend the 2. ike Gedleddo-2-Makkencdtiedy Lib iseadaad coming month visiting at the home of Mary and : Measure (2 level tblsps.) to each 6-02, Penne Perdeno! Meare tea' cup of water. Cool in covered non-metal container. For freshest taste, serve within three hours. Pour over ice cubes, Bun and Bruce Larson and daughter Marilyn have returned from their holidays spent in Eagle River visiting with Bun's parents, Mr. and Mrs, Walter Lundeen. Beverley Lundeen who had been visiting with her sister prior to their holidays, returned home to Eagle River wivi them, 3, Instant - Mix TWICE the usual amount of instant coffee with a little water (hot or cold, according to brand) -- add ice cubes, fill glass with water, Ruth and Paul Boudreau arrived back from Winnipeg Monday having visited with Ruthis parents, Mr. and Mrs, F. B. Thompson during the past week. For variations try: ICED COFFEE SECRET - Cream double-strength Iced Coffee with Evap- orated Milk. Brings out the flavor. Rosemary and Bill Sernesky and child- 2 _ ICED GOFFEE FLOAT Scoop some of your ont -wpeioth tase) nd, sasclean walls OEE erent Pet mie Beet sheslcRsem ve en ae Mr. and Mrs, P Sernesky of Fort William chocolate or other -- into Iced Coffee. ' Pk ene ' Mrs, Connie Burella entertained av a ICED COFFEE MOCHA - Stir into Iced Coffee ial he j i 2 tbisps. chocolate syrup and 2 tblsps. birthday party for daughter Jo-Ann last Wednesda: on WEEN WHT ened if ik cream. tune 26th on the cecasion of her seventh birth~ : ag agi i ak day, Sixteen children enjoyed an afternoon of ICED COFFEE JULEP*- Ada a\couple-of drops games and lunch before they left with their take brea of mint flavoring to Iced Coffee, and top -- treats. Wie See ee eer Dry Teddy Brown celebrated his seventh wededsuneHepereeaibdumiaesds © birthday, Wednesday afternoon, June 26, with Barn ; ten of his boy friends watching T.V. and playing Here's the latest on "Most Effective Slimming g2mes. Lunch and birthday cake was enjoyed by Pills" -- You do not take these pills. Scat- all. : : ter on the floor before each meal and pick up Mr, Percy McCredie of Norway Bay, 5 one at a time," Quebec arrived last Friday for a two week visit with his neice Vivian Hanna and family. (cont'd on page 7)