_ RECIPE OF THE WEEK DUTCH GOOKIES 3-1/2 cups sifted all purpose flour 3 | teasp, baking soda 1/2 °° teasp, salt 1/2: teasp. powdered cloves 1/2. teasp. nutmeg 1-1/2 teasp. cinnamon 6° tablesp. shortening 1/4 cup white sugar .* cup molasses 1/4 cup sour milk or buttermilk a cup chopped walnuts 2 cups seedless raisins 1/2 cup cut up candied citron Sift together first 6 ingredients, Mix, until blended, shortening, sugar, molasses, and sour milk, Add flour mixture, walnuts, raisins, citron; mix well, Shape, wrap, and chill, Slice dough 3/8" thick; place on greased cookie sheet, bake 350° about 15 min, Yield - 3 dozen. 0-0-0 AROUND THE TOWN Returning from her Christmas holidays in Toronto, Doris Hansford was accompanied by her cousin Miss Janet Clarke of Detroit, Michigan, Miss Clarke is employed as teenage director at the Y.W.eC.A. in Detroit, and was very inter- ested in the winter sports programme carried out in our community, As an ardent skier Miss Clarke was very . impressed with the three ski clubs at the Lakehead. She is the daughter of Mr, and Mrs, Thomas Clarke of Colorado Springs, Colorado, Mrs, Lundeen with daughter, Beverley returned to their home in Eagle River, Ont., having enjoyed the New Year (cont'd. next column) SED THE TOWN Cont 'de Page 4 weekend with her daughter, "tea. Bun Larson and family, Mr, and Mrs. Gebree Rowley of East Angus, Quebec. spent Christmas week visiting with their son and daughter-in-law, » Jim and Audrey Rowley. Mr. and Mrs, Gordon Brown and family of Port Arthur spent Christmas with their daughter and son-in-law, Virginia and Gary Galvin. Mrs, Alice Simmons of New Haven, Cennecticut is visiting with her daughter and family, Mrs. Elicia Evans-Smith, Miss Annie Ruzyski of Fort William was a guest of her brother and sister-in- law, Joe and Eleanor Ruzysie during Christmas week, Mrs, and Mrs, J, Charbon visited with Mrs. Charbon's parents, Mr, and Mrs,:A. Ey Dunk of Fort William over Christmas, Mr, and Mrs, Marvin Osmar were guests of Mrs. Osmar's parents, Mr, and Mr, A, Mendelin of Port Arthur over Christmas, Mr, and Mrs. Maurice Osmar visited. with Mrs, Osmar's father, Mr, Gibbons. of Port Arthur over Christmas. aa Migs Bella Begin travelled 'to Hearst, Ontario to be with her. father, Mr, Edelbert Begin and relatives over Christmas. and had two sisters, Florence and Yvette visit her for New Year's weekend, Jim Taylor was the guest of his sister, Mrs, Isabelle Craig and family over Christmas, returning to Foam Lake last week- end, Rose, Jim and Walter Corrigan returned Tuesday evening from their holidays spent in Guelph, Ont. visiting with Mr. and Mrs, Mike Cremmins, and Mr. arid Mrs, Cecil Starrs, coming home by Toronto they visited Rose's brother, Gus Street, Mrs, Velma Walker and daughter Lois of Fort William were visitors of Vivian and Francis Hanna for Christmas. Miss Carol Holford is home for the Christmas vacation with Mr, and Mrs. Don Laporte, Carol attends the College of St. Scholastica in Duluth, Minn, (cont'd, page 5)