MEN'S CURLING x CLUB NORTHWEST PLAYDOWNS. = ee ROUND ROBIN - Dec. 12th = = "Ort Dem i Olsen V. Duquette Dec, 13th - 9:00 p.m, ties rae ; Ice #1 Tee Fe ° J» McDonald Olsen. 2) 4f..%s! Pineault Boudreau Dec. 1th ~ 9:00 p.m, ice #3" Olsen Pineault_. Dec, 16th - 6:%) pom, Ice #L wn i L, Duquette a Uae he Ve Duquette Be eh Dec, 17th ~. 4°" p.m le - 1:00 poem. © "Tee ye (vo J Iee #h EARS MacDonald -L. Duquette +) ee Vs Duquette. Olsen Dec. P7th SUA HYS ieee ; Bomateda Pineault Dec, 18th ~ 1:00 p.m, 1:00 pem, Ice #2 Ice #4 peouerent J. MacDonald ., . Diiquette "Olsen. Dec, 19th ~93 OO p.m, 9:00 pem. e atites #32 Ice ee ie Duquette Pineault a MacDonald _ V. Duguette Dec ¢ 216t 398799. pn: 200 Me ice #3 Ice #1 J, MacDonald L,. Duquette Boudreau Pineault Dec, 23rd - 6:0°°p.m ice Ice #2 Ley L, Duquette Boudreau Club Northwest Playdowns - 12 end games, Dominion Curling Rules to apply. Score cards to be used and plainly marked North- west Playdowns. Place in Box, These playdowns will be a double rowd robin, 0-0-0 IMPORTANT NOTICE RE MEMBERSHIP DUES According to the terms of the member- ship applications which you signed, balance of 1955-56 season dues are payable not later than December 15, 1955. The executive is in agreement that all curlers who have not paid their dues in full by that date make themselves ineligible for League Play until such payment is received. As in the past, moniés should be mailed to Al Pattison, Box 297, Cheques should be made payable to "Terrace 'Bay Curling Club", - a sense of identity. Page *% NEW YEARS EVE BALL Now is the time to start placing your reservations for a table for the 7th Annual New Years Eve. Dance epee Tee by the Men's Curling Club. Dancing will be.from 9:30 till 1956 due to the fact New Years Eve is on Satur- day night! the New Year Bells will ring out at 11:00 p.m. - so folks. we will expect you early. The Curling Club is .going all out to make this years dance one of the best yet with balloons, streamers, noise makers, etc. Dress is optional, admission is three dollars a.couple' and music is by the Rhythmaires with the Boy Scouts looking after the hat checking. Tickets are limited so get youn re- servations in early and save yourself a dis- appointment later. Reservations may be made thru Doris Hansford, .First Aid Room, Curly Hale L478 or Al Pattison 562 townsite. 0-0-0 HOME AND SCHOOL ASSOC IATION Members. of the Schreiber and Terruc Bay Home and School Associations turned out full force Monday evening, Dec. 5th, in Terrace Bay High School Auditorium to hear Dre cSa( Ri oLaygogk, ia naticsaal figure in the Home and School Associations. and well- known as Lecturer in the classroom, his writings, radio and television, Dr. Lay- cock's enthusiasm reached out and captured his audience on all/topies he epoke on: the Home:.and,,School' Association; his love and understanding of children and their problems; parents and the teaching profession and their. problems, Starting with a description of what we expect in»a mentally healthy and well»+rounded adult, he began with the infant and how 'love and understanding right from birth maxes for a wholesome personality in the adult, Dr, Laycock maintains there is no such thing as a troublesome child, only a *roubied child, and parents and teachers alike should seek the cause. A well-trained teacher inspires rather than antagonizes the child, and-a parent with a wholesome personality gives understanding to their chiidren from the'. 'demon-explorer, the two-year old with their intense curiosity; the: four year old with their seeking of inner control, the four vo. six. in their world of make-believe; the six to twelve who seek mainly a sense of achieve~ ment; and the adolescent trying to establish Dr. Laycock felt the discussion of these.problems are the main purpose of the Home and School Association, (Cont. on page 11)