LARGEST CIRCULATION IN TERRACE BAY & FU a Safety Contest \ eet between Spruce ei Back in 950, was started \ Falls Power and Kapuskasing and E here' at Terracel ily the idea of a gow contest and at t3m¢ "Goat Contest". fffiy¥ So following the 1950 competitior Muring which LongLac ended up on top) we had a "Goat Trophy" designed and presented to Kap in a fitting ceremony. Kap has since retained the trophy as they ended up in second spot also in '52 and '53. But last year the tables were turned and Kap headed the two-unit parade. Not to be out-done and following a long- standing threat that we'd really "get the goat" when the tables turned, our friends at Kap have decided to act literally. And so on Friday afternoon, June 3rd at 4:00 p.m. outside the mill entrance (or in the Pulp Storage Building if the weatherman dictates) there will be a presentation ceremony to which everyone in town is invited. (Unfortunately those on the 4-12 shift will be required at their jobs to keep the mill running but otherwise everyone who can be spared should make a special effort to witness the proceedings), Fortunately we have expert advisors on goats in our ranks so the animal should receive the best of care, It hardly need be added that it will be >treated with respect, goats being what they are (Cont. on next col.) } 4\ Paper Company at ba :f f7/7 our LongLac mill 3 Somehow or other mixed up with the t's been called a SO WE GET THE GOAT. SO WE GET THE GOAT (Cont.) By the time the News goes to press again, more details will likely be available. In the meantime don't forget the time of the presentation ceremony ~ June 3rd at 4:00 p.m 0-0-0 SOFTBALL DANCE - FRIDAY -- MAY 27TH At the High School Auditorium this Friday a bigger and better softball dance will take place. Dancing 10:00 p.m. ~- 2:00 a.m. Tickets - One dollar per person Draw for the Deep Sea Trolling Rod to be made at midnight. So come on friends and spectators of softball --- Support softball in Terrace Bay and have a good time this Friday doing it. See you at the DANCEIL! 0-0-0 RUMMAGE SALE Don't forget Saturday, May 28th--- come to the Rummage Sale. The sale starts at 9:00 asm. in the showroom of the Terrace Bay Enterprise Garage, O~O0-0 DON'T GIVE FIRE A PLACE TO START------- SPRING CLEAN-UP WEEK MAY 14-29, 1955.