Page 9 TERRACE BAY MEMORIAL RECREATION CENTRE WEEKLY SCHEDULE | Week of Jan. 3rd MORNING AFTERNOON EVENING ' Mon, Jan. 3 10-11 House League 4-6 Minor League 7-8:30 Sr. Practice a -10:30 House League Tues, Jan. 4 10-11 House League 4-6 Figure Skating 8:00 Marathon vs. ___Terrace Ba Wed. Jan. 5 10-11 House League 1:30-3:30 Public 7-10:30 House League Skating . 4-6 Minor Hocke XE Thurs, Jan 6 10-11 House League 1:30-3:30 Public 7-8:30 Sr. Hockey Practice Skating 9-10:30 Minor Practice 4-6 Figure Skatin . Fri. Jan 7 10-11 House League h-6 Minor League 7-8 Children Skating . { 5 9-10:30 Adult Skating Sat. Jan. & 9-12 Minor League are Chiblaren - 8 Children Skating ting 8-9 Adult Skating 3300-53 00 Adult 9:30-11:00 House League Skatin ea Sun. Jan. 9 "2:00 Nipigon vs. Terrace Bay v8 0-0-9 A_$2,000 EQUITY FOR YOU (Cont. ) the use of tools, machinery, clectric power, chemicals and vehicles and the pay- ment of rentals and taxes. "The products of these mills must be packaged and shipped either a to consumer or to secondary industries for further processing, The widening stream with its source in the forest spreads into such fields as building, chemicals, plastics, specialty goods, clothing, packaging, newspapers, movies, explosives, insulating, railroads, mining, shipping, communications and recreat- ion. Indeed, it is almost inpossible to name any product or service which a i does not depend in some way on wood, "As well as being your personal investment and a foundation of industry, the forests of Ontario shelter our wild animals and provide protection for our fishing lakes. Our thriving tourist industry is depeudent to a great extent on the forests, "It is the job of the Department of Lands and Forests to protect and increase your forest investment. To do this, we need your interest and co-operation. You can make a good start by being careful. Would yo. burn down your own house? Do you use ten dollar bills to light your cigarettes? Not likely, but carelessnes in the bush is exactly the same thing. Man, you're destroying your own property} "So give us your help and one ?eay you will be part owner of about 80 million acres of the best managed forests anywhere," From Ontario Lands and Forests Conservation Corner, o-0--a