a RECREATION. FLYER . TICKET SALES FOR GERALDTON-GAME These-will go on sale Friday. amorning Re ~at. 9:00 pom, at the Recreation. this weekend will. those Cue wath. Peserve - Again door. Bes GYM LAI oe 2s The men that have been meeting on . haved nights will not meet this Thursday. as the Hall is being decorated for the | Christmas Parties. will commence again in the New Year, and you will be notified, This Thursday, December 16th there will be no gym club, "Also in the New Year we again hope ' "to reopen our basket ball for all those who are interested providing they do not go to school. It will be strictly a men's activity. o-0-0 LOCAL 665 ELECTION RESULTS President . = A. Chisholm Vice President - T. Brown Recording Sec. - S. Spencer Treasurer - J. Corrigan Outside Guard - qG. Burns There were 263 ballots cast, atts three being spoiled. down as to results consult the bulletin boards throughout the mill, : 0-0-0 HELP WANTED -- MALE Applications will be received for the position of caretaker for St. Martin 5 Separate School, duties to commence January 2, 1955. Salary will be $210.00 per month for a forty hour week with two weeks vacation with pay after 6 months. & This position will provide work for e 12 months of the year, Cecile Boudreau, Secretary Treasurer Box 459 St. Martin's Separate School 0-0-0 LITTLE. TOWN These nights activities . For a complete break-_ a 10 I like to live in a little town Minow. the trees meet across the street, . : where you wave your hand and say: "WHellod" to everyone you meet. I like to stand for a moment. gutside., the - grocery. store: : and listen to the friendly. gossip of the folks that live next door. 'For life is interwoven with the friends we learn to know and.we hear their joys and sorrows as we - daily come and gow ; So I like to live in a Little town. I. 'care no more to roam. * For every house in a little tow is more than .a house; 'itts home. diane 0-0-0 LOST. AND.FOUND -- ed i Do you wear a pair of Dominion Rubber Overshoes? If so, please check the size and if they are size 8 - and should be size 9 = Contact E. A. Marostica at' 2-7 dial 422 or local 252, I have a pair of size 9 and should have size 8, 0-0-0 DEADLINE FOR THE TERRACE BAY NEWS ' Deadline for material to appear in the paper on Thursdays is Wednesday noon. Items for the News may be placed in the News boxes at the Hudson Bay, and the Mill Entrance or left at the Personnel Office. No telephone calls please, To assure publication of any itenis it is essential that they be submitted prior to the deadline, 0-0-0 Their cars having collided, Jack and were surveying the situation. Jack ered Pat a drink, Pat drank and Jack returned the bottle to his pocket. "Aren't you going to have a drink yourself?" said Pat, "Not until the polic have been here", said Jack, o~0-0