eee Page 2 COMMUNITY CHURCH << --. ST. MARTIN'S PARISH . Sunday, June 6th, 1954.6 -- eee Saturday, June 5th, 195k. The Sunday School has been closed--~ "i ~~ Confessions - 7-8 Dells for the summer months and will ~~ i "~~ Sunday, June 6th, 1954. resume its sessions in the fall. "~ _&- -- Masses - 8:15 a.m, 11:00 a.m, Morning Worship a J "4 A 10:00.a,m, Whit Sunday 4 7A There will be no benediction The Power of Pentecost. on Sunday night. There will be no evening service, Priests Retreat all week, 0-0-0 0-0-0 LADIES AUXILIARY HOTEL DINING ROOM The regular monthly meeting of the SATURDAY, JUNE 5TH, 195k, Ladies Auxiliary will be held on Monday, Dining Room will be open for the June 7th at 8:15 p.m, evening meal from 5;30 to 6:00 pem, Mrs. V. Hopper's committee is in only, charge of the program for the evening. Hotel Manager, The program planned should prove very interesting. All members and friends o~O0-0 are cordially invited to attend, FOR SALE 0-0-0 Ford half ton truck. Apply House #80, E. Marcotte, SUMMAGE SALE The Ladies Auxiliary are holding. a 0-0-0 Rummage Sale on Saturday, June 12th from 9:00 asm, until 1:00 p.m, at Terrace NOTICE HOE DOWNERS Bay Enterprises, ~~ Because the month of May had five Saturdays there will be three weeks betwe-. pa 0-0-0 dances this time, Our dances are held on the 2nd and 4th Saturday of each month LIBRARY NEWS which means the next one will be Saturday, May we remind persons with overdue June 12th, In the meantime plans are books to please return them at their getting underway to hold our Annual earliest convenience, Festival on Friday, June 25th, The Thunder Bay Co-Op Bookmobile called yesterday and an exchange of both 0-0-0 adult and children's books was made, FOR SALE 0-0-0 1 - 3/4 size walnut spool bed, spring and mattress. SHOE REPATR SHOP 1 - General Peotnte Refrigerator The Shoe Repair Shop will be open Call 374 or House #421. _ from June 3rd until June 11th, 10:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m, 0-0-0 0-0-0 STORK CLUB Congratulations this week go to Mr, FOR RENT and Mrs, Lester Legault on the birth rf Furnished house for summer months, of a daughter on May 27th, Apply Mrs, D, Locking, 161 Birch Crescent, Phone No, 4/5, ; 0-0-0 SAFETY SLOGAN Thursday Noon. June 3rd to Thursday "oon. June 10th. Te re ee ene eres em mane er re ea ee tn ones een ens ere sa nee ee Oi ee ih Wee ee ake tiny tn Yee Geom oa ee and Hatt ca et ea SiS Som ine Oy see Ma et are Se) me Sw ont eee ane ils se ets fe tte ee te en sein wend ses tet wom me Be aR AAT a Te AE IG on sa tet Ca an. oe Pret er eee et ame moan Am ae RRR tg Se eee Sn hu eal eo ms een ee anne wet lr pen i ni so er he a Pte ial cpa ene on sie, lipo is iil eve et cw ie ce eal