FIREWORKS DISPLAY MONDAY (Cont,) Monday evening, but don't let that interfere with your plans as the Fireworks Display won't get underway before 8:30 at any rate. 0-0-0 HOME AND SCHOOL ASSOCIATION ' The retiring President of the Home and School Association, Al Stevens, opened the Third Annual meeting Monday evening by calling on John Wade to read the Creed, Mrs. Evelyn Falzetta followed with the Minutes of the previous Annual meeting. It was the decision of the Association at that meeting to purchase a tape record- er for use in the three Terrace Bay schools, Mr. Stevens announced in the past season, this recorder had been purchased, paid for and was nowin use in the schools, Jim Corrigan gave the financial report to date, Charlie Sitch, chairman of the Nomin- ating Committee composed of Mrs, Lois Hopper and Joe Marcella, read the list of nominations, Mr. Stevens thanked them for their fine job, and in also securing extra members to act as convenors during the next season, Mrs, Hopper reported as Corresponding Secretary that all correspondence to date - Was completed, excepting arrangements still pending with the Local Fish and Game Association in regards to starting a Club to teach children the proper use of fire- arms, Also Mrs, Faulds offer of visiting Terrace Bay, had still not been taken up, Mrs, Jan Faust as Convenor of the recent Card Party gave her report of that event, Mr, Stevens then gave his retiring address, thanking all who had worked with him and welcoming in the new executive, He gave a special note of thanks to Tom Walters, past programme convenor, who had worked continually to give a great variety of entertainment at each of the year's meetings, The election of officers for the 195h-- 1955 season was conducted and are as follows: President - John Wade; Vice- President - Mrs, D. C, Porter, Mrs, W,. Pletzer, and C, Sitch; Recording Secretary- Mrs, Frank Ginn; Corresponding Secretary- Mrs. Mason Dixon; Treasurer - Jim Corrigan; Executive Members - Mrs, Gray Flater, Bob Shirriff, Rus Downey, Joe Marcella and Mrs, Verne Hopper, Mr, Stevens duly instal- led the new President and his officers for the coming season, Mr, Wade thanked the (Cont. on next col,) 1+ Page 9 HOME AND SCHOOL ASSOCIATION (Cont, ) members for the confidence expressed in electing him, and hoped to maintain the . standard of Home and School meetings set during the past year, John Wade next introduced Mr, Richard Downey, exchange teacher from Nanaimo, British Columbia, who showed a selection of his slides on that very scenic Province, along with a few taken through the Red Wood forests and down to California, and concluding with his recent collection on Terrace Bay. Mrs. Charlie Briggs thanked Mr. Downey, and expressed her best wishes for a wonderful trip this summer when he sails for Europe, She also hoped he would return to Terrace Bay someday to show us pictures of this summer's vacation, The meeting was closed with the usual social hour and luncheon served by Mesdames Gray Flater and Jim Corrigan, Oo-0~0 FIRE PREVENTION NEWS Baby is burned by Firecracker (From the Toronto Daily Star) Wade Devoe, seven months, was burned about the face, head and arms yesterday when a 7 small boy tossed a firecracker into his carriage, Hospital authorities said he "is in satisfactory condition, BURNED IN BED FIRE (From the Toronto Daily Star) Leon Oliver 37, of Gould St., was taken to St. Michael's hospital early today with minor bums received in a mattress fire in his room. Firemen said Oliver was sleeping when a lighted cigarette fell on the matt- ress and started the fire. Oliver awoke when the flames touched his left leg. BURNED ABOUT HEAD (From the Toronto Daily Star) ih L, Dionne, 36 of Cottingham St., was taken to Toronto General hospital last night by Capt. Fred Wild of the fire department after he suffered first degree burns to his forehead, Dionne was burned when he tried to smother flames in a burning closet with a blanket. When he opened the door, firemen said, the flames shot out at him Damage from the fire which broke out about 10:30 p.m. was estimated at $1,700. é 0-0-0