KIWANIS INTERNATIONAL OBSERVE U.S.A.--CANADA . President Eisenhower and Prime Minister St. Laurent today:cited the relationship that prevails between the United States and Canada as an outstanding example of inter- national good will. The statements were is- sued in connection with United States--Canada Good Will Week which is sponsored by Kiwanis International and its more than 3,800 affil- lated clubs, The observance is held annually in commemoration: of: the Rush-Bagot Agreement which went: into-effect April (28, -1618, "oo Prime Minister: St.-Laurent, in a letter to Kiwanis International President Donald T, Forsythe said,:"The close association of Kiwanians on both sides of the border which separates our two countries is an excellent example of the understanding, co-operation and friendship between Canada and the United States which have never ceased to develop since the Agreement was signed, Close per- sonal contacts: such as you enjoy between residents of different countries are also the best guarantee for -pedce.-and "prosperity in this uneasy world," President Eisénhower, referring to the observance of United States-Canada Good Will Week stated, "Together the United.States..and Canada share a major part-"of a great contin- ~ ent without animosity or'corifllict. Two wars and the problems of postwar read just~ ment have strengthened their ties and their mutual loyalties, Each 'nation has recognized the necessity of maintaining the strength, unity and determination of the free world to resist aggression, The friendship between the United States and Canada 'stands a shin- ing: example of mutual trust between nations, "The annual United States-Canada Good Will Week, 'sponsored by Kiwanis Internation- al, is a/timely reminder to the citizens of both countries that peace and prosperity are the product .of friendly cooperation". The observance, designed to foster good relations between the United States and Canada, cates back to 1921-when the Kiwanis Inter- national convention held the first Canadian Day Celebration, This was the forerunner of the present United States-Canada Good Will Week wich will be observed the week of April "5-May 1. f During the intervening years, Kiwanis clubs have erected 25 bronze "peace tablets" at major ports of entry along the more than 3,000 miles of wfortified boundary between the two nations, The inseription reads: "This unfortified boundary line between the Dominion of Canada and the United States of America should quicken the rememb- £ ' (Cont. on next col.) Page 7 KIWANIS-"INTERNATIONAL (Cont. ) rance'of the more than'a century-old friendship between these countries,'a lesson of peace to all nations," At the meeting of the Kiwanis Club of Terrace Bay on Tuesday, April 27th, President Paul Boudreau announced that the club observed United States-Canada Good Will Week with a special program, In charge of this program was Jim Beddard, who spoke briefly on the history of Kiwanis-International Good Will Week. The speaker urged all Canadians*in this "tourist" area. of Canada to promote good will between Canada and the U.S.A. _Very Soon now the American tourists will ~ be in our part of the country. Each i individual in the Terrace Bay area can make a solid contribution to good re~ . lationships between our two countries by showing the best in hospitality and "friendship to the visitors. Our part of the country is endowed ~ with many virtues which the visitors . apparantly are aware of as they return year after year, Let each one of us _ do our part in showing real hospitality to them so that our visitors will be "more impressed with the people of Canada than they are with the attractions with which nature has given to Ganada, . Two member's of the Kiwanis Club are 'leaving very shortly for the U.S.A. 'So that they are obviously in a position to further good relationships. Al Lindskoog of LongLac is' returning to "the States, Doug Harris, Manager of the Bay, is leaving for California, The Kiwanis Club as well as the residents of Terrace Bay will miss Al and Doug, - and with them go our sincere best wishes, 0-0-0 PUBLIC SCHOOL NEWS i We would like to draw to your atten- tion once again-that we are registering next year's kindergarten class this week and next. Registration is taking place after school hours every night this week and next, until May 7th. Parents are re- quested to bring along some proof of their child's age. All children thst be five years old by December 31st, 1954, Miss Honer will give a talk for the parents of prospective kindergarten child-: ren on Friday, May 7th, at two-thirty,. Slides of the'kindergarten in action will be shown. Baby sitters will be provided, o-0~0