Volume 4, No. 13 COPPER, Yes, someone has struck it richlh! Millionaire is made in Terrace Bay}] Ever since the big strike in the Maii-e iteowadge area by two Geraldton men early this year the prospectors or would be prospectors have been going out in dreves, Finally one of them hit it rich in the area south of the highway! We are told that the assayeris report from the Onterio Department of Mines shows a very high percentage of zinc and: copper in the arca and some of the big mining companies are dickering with this Terrace Bay res- ident for an option on the property for & very substantial sum of money. 'Generally speaking, all Crawn lands, that is land not alienated or granted by the Crown for homestead, summer resort or other purposes are open for staking, Most privately owned lands are not open, although there are some cases where sur- face rights only have been granted and the mineral rights may be open But a word of warning before you people buy a pick and haversack to go prospecting. Remember this issue of the News is dated ~ April lst. April Fooll! Anyway we can dream can't we. See page 8 for some of the regulations re- garding prospecting, o-0-0 DON'T TRUST TO LUCK ~-- TRUST TO SAFETY LARGEST CIRCULATION IN TERRACE BAY April lst, 195k. ZINC. BOUND. IN TERRACE Baye The Guides and Brownies have formed avery active organization in our Com- munity, and Mrthe:s and Fathers are very happy to have such groups as Guides, Brownies, Scouts and Cubs in Terrace Bay It .- certainly helps children become better citizens. Frem the financial point of view the Guides end Brownies ars putting every effort in to the task cf gaining indep- endence and are planning a Giant Easter Sale of Home Made Candy, Haster Eggs, Baskets, etc., which is all being taker care of Locally. The Guides will be around the ear. part sf next week to each house in the community to ask for donations of home made candy or money gifts. The Eggs wilt be made by the Ladies of the Local As: Uc iation assisted by the Guides, On Saturday, April 10th the Sale will take place in the former Meat Marke: Come down early in order to see the dis play these children are putting on. 0-0-0 IMPERIAL BANK OF CANADA EASTER BANKING HOURS. As a convenience to our customers at the long Easter weekend, the cffice will be open for business from 9:00 a.m, to 11:00 a.m. on Saturday following Good Friday. Gocd Friday and Easter Monday being legal holidays we will be closed for business on these days. 0-0-0