Comedy > SAPETY_DRAW Desk Pen Set Winners (Sets will be distributed during week of March 15th, ) WOODHANDLING Fred Zwarych John Pelto Hyacinthe Landry PULP DEPARTMENT Harold G, Hall Homer Holland John Zigman George Riley Alex Chisholm James Boon WNGINEERING DEPARTMENT John Cavanaugh fom Smith zarry Galvin szarnet Valiquette Jon Stewart 30b Harris larris Haughn tugh Hamilton : SERVICES DEPARTMENT "vank Speziale Vazaire Vienneau sob Mykietyn "rank Frank bert Rigelsford fel Nicol .aymond Black TOWNSITE DEPARTMENT Ed St, Dennis Theodore Kostiuk isadvelle Phillips Noreen Gillis Blizabeth Arnold (cont, on next col,) Lauri Anttila Augustin Stuart Weikko Pursiainen Paul Pluta Verne Walker Tony Delaronde -Bill Plummer Joe Mousseau Honore Bouchard Louis Duquette Bill Sitko . Joe Cavanaugh Joe Shubalay Walter Klug ao Page 3 SAFETY DRAW (cont, ) MISCELLANEOUS DEPARTMENTS Mo Nelson John Wade Cecile Boudreau Esther Niemi Betty Austin Bruce Reid Sally Dale 0-0-0 LOST AND FOUND DEPARTMENT The junk: box in the Auditorium is filled to overflowing with numerous articles left behind by persons using the gymasium or attending activities in the auditorium, There are several pairs of running shocs. one pair of brand new children's shoes (girls E123), numerous T-shirts, scarves, mittens, and even a reélling pin. Spring being in the air, this junk bax is due for a Spring Cleaning. 0-0-0 NOTICE "By-Law #17 of the Improvement District requires owners of all dogs to obtain Dog Tags by March lst, of each year, 'Dog Tags for 1954 are now available at the Municipal Office, and owners are re- quested to obtain same immediately," Secretary-Treasurer The Corporation of The Improvement District of Terrace Bay 0-0-0 LOST Ladies - Square gold wrist watch. Expansion bracelet, Initials N.C.P, on the back of the watch, . If found please return to Mrs, Noreen Gillis Terrace Bay Hospital, 0-0-0 STORK CLUB Congratulations this week go to Mr, and Mrs, William Zwir on the birth of a daughter on March 5th, 1954, 0-0-0 NOTICE Shoe Repair shop will be open in the mornings from 8:00 a.m, to 12 noon from March 10th to March 18th,