COMMUNITY CHURCH Sunday, March Sunday, March 1h, 1954 ~- Second Sunday in Lent, 9:30 asm. - Senior Sunday School 11:00 a.m, - Junior Sunday School. 11:00 a.m. - Morning Worship "Our Lord's Temptation and Ours" 7:30 p.m, - Evening Service "The Door" Following the Evening Service the se- cond Fireside Hour Program of the. season. will be sponsored by the choir, The program will consist of choral and instrumental music, pictures anda skit, You are cordially invited to enjoy the fu and fellowship and food provided by the occasion, O-0=0 LIBRARY NEWS Galatea - James McCain A story which all the Cain magic brutal _ and shocking yet tendér and believable, H.M.S. Marborough Will Enter Harbour - Nicholas Monsarrat The poignant story of a captain and his ship in a struggle against unbelievable odds to reach harbour safely, This is a book ~ i which will appeal particularly to those who served in the Navy and sailed the seas, 0-0-0 EMPLOYEES TAX DEDUCTIONS (TD-1) Employees are reminded that new TD 1s must be filed with the employer every 2 years, In the past few weeks these forms have been circulated to the various de- partments.and most have been compldéed, Any one who does not file a TDL is considered - to be single and shall be take@ as a single person without dependents, LongLac Pulp and Paper Co, Lid, 0-0-0 SCOUTS AND CUBS Fifth Annual Father and Son banquet to be held April 24th, 1954 in the Community Church basement, Watch for more details, "ie i ; Page 2 sl MARTIN'S a ~ Friday. March 12th, i ee Stations of the ee at 7:30 peme '\ Saturday, March 13th, 1 \\ Confessions - 3-4 7-8 Sunday, March lth, 195. Masses - 8:15 ~ 10:00. Lenten Devotions, Sunday, Wednesday and Friday at 7:30 pem. Devotions to our Lady of Perpetual Help at 2:00 pem. and 7:30 pelle 0-0-0 NOTICE Cemmencing the wedcof March 15th, the lecal L.C.B.O. store will observe Thursday as their weekly closing day and remain open on Wednesdays. Manager. 0-0-0 BROWNIE PACK A very delightful ceremony was wit- nessed Monday evening by a large turn-out ef parents to the High School Auditorium, when the first enrollment of Brownies took place. In all thirty-six Brownies received their Brownie Pins, and were presented by Sharon Lee Locking and Jenine Briggs, the only two girls who were Brownies from out- side Packs, Brown Owl Mrs, Shirley Mikus and Tawny Owl Mrs, Marjorie Meeks accepted the girls into the Pack, Following the ceremony a delicious luncheon was served to the Brownies and the: parents by the local Association. Mrs, Clifford was in charge of the refreshments. 0-0-0 CARD OF THANKS I wish to express my thanks to the Staff of the Terrace Bay Hospital, and all others, who were so kind to me, and my family during my recent illness, Sincerely ., . Sadie Gaulin. SAFETY SLOGAN peur ice Noon, March 11th to ee Noon, March ieee act: /DENTS. ee s5 F---SAF Bet ry PAYS"