AROUND THE TOWN (Cont,) Mrs, Russ Stevens, Harold and Cassie Hall with Linda and David returned last week from their holidays spent in and around East Angus, Quebec with their parents, Guest of Mr, and irs. Ernie Kettle over the weekend included, Thomas Beaulieu (Sr.) Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Beaulieu, (Jr.), Miss Juliette Beaulieu, of Rutter, Ontario and hrs. Louis Godin of Shawinigan Falls, Cue. and Arthur Beaulieu of Sudbury, Ontario. Mr, and Mrs. Jim Denny and daughter, Co.leen spent one week of their vacation at the Lakehead, The following week they and Mr. and Mrs, Art Leblanc motored to Duluth, Minnesota, 0-0-0 HOCKEY ASSOCIATION NOTES A Oe Sunday, September 20th, the Board of Directors, together with the League Chairvan held @ meeting to make plans for the coming winter. The Chairmen of the various leagues who were in attendance were as follows: Alex Vhisholu, North Shore Leag sue, Alex MacDonald, House League, and Ray Kenney, Minor Unig Terrace Bay Hockey Associa+ tion President, Ed Cavanaugh, asked the Vhairmen of the various Jan wae to proceed and choose their committees and in general start the ball rolling. They were asked to take an inventory of their equipment in their particular leacue - and then pre- pare a budget for the coming winter's oper- ation. In the meantime the Directors mde plans to raise money to operate the Associa- tion. Paul Boudreau suggested a Big Buck Contest to be operated in the district, and other schemes were discussed for raising funds. for the future winter's operation, Details of the Big Buck Co:test and other fund raising schemes will be vvblicized by means of posters, Prior to this General Meeting the Board of Directors held several organizational meetings and drew up and adopted a Constitu- tion in order to operate the Association in & business-like manner, a o-0-0 FOR SALE Chesterfield - Maroon. Phone 220, Price reasonable, o-0-0 Page 3 STORK CLUB Congratulations this weck go to ir, and rs, George Partington on the birth of a son on September 19th and ker. and Mrs. Murdo. Gampbcll on the birth of a son on September 20th, and Mr. and Mrs, Jim McDonald on the birth of a daughter on September 21st. and Mr. and Mrs, Russell Stevens on the birth of a daughter on September 22nd. 0-0-0 WOLF CUBS The first meeting of the Wolf Cubs will be held on September 29th in the High School at 6.30 p.m. sharp, All Cubs who wish to rejoin should attend this meeting and any other boys between' the age of 8 and 11 years will be welcome. Please bring running or other soft soled shoes, 0-0-0 FOR SALE Chesterfield and two chairs can be seen at 181 Hudson Drive 0-0-0 FOR SALE 1 Speed-lMix Mix-Master, Apply time card #129. A-1 condition. 0-0-0 LOST 1 set of Ford keys with charm and LL safety tag on. Between Hotel parking lot and Barber shop. Finder please return to M, Dorman or Box 14, 0-0-0 FOR SALE 1935 Ford, four door sedan, or fishing car, Apply &. eid, or Schreiber, A good hunting No, 188 0-0-0 HELP WANTED Woman to do ironing in own anes, deliver and call for. Box 185 B. Hayes, we will 0-0-0