COMMUNITY CHURCH Sunday September 20th, 19534 §:00 a.m. "Holy Communion" Officiating Minister, Rev, J. Turner, 9:30 a.m. Senior Sunday School The Junior Sundey School will not meet until the first Sunday in October, 11:00 a.m. Morning Worship Belief or Trust" 7:00 pom. Evening Service. Following the evding service the Church Board will meet at the home of Mr. and Mrs, H. Goodfellow, 129 Poplar Crescent, The Turkey Dinner which was to have been held Wednesday,September 23rd. has been postponed until October 7th, Tickets sold for the 23rd will be valid for October Toh 0-0-0 AROUND THE TOWN Mr. and Mrs. Arnold MceKechnie and Children Roddie and Alice Jean returned home on Labour Day from their month's holiday motoring to Victoria,B.C,. through the American route and back via the Canadian route. While in Victoria, the McKechnie's were the guests of Mrs. McKechnic's parents, Mr, and Mrs, Hazelhurst and in Vancouver they visited with Arnuld's parents Mr. and Mrs, Bob McKechnic, Guests cf Bob and Dorothy Wishart over the past weekend included Miss Bernice Wallace and Mr. Jim Hardy of the Lakehead, Mr. and Mrs. J. Coe returned home to Sault Ste. Marie last Friday. Mr. ond Mrs, Coe had been visiting with their son Harry Coe and family for the previous month, Jane Porter, accompanied by her Father, left Monday to attend Weyland Academy, at Beaver Dan, Wisconsin, for another season. Mr. and Mrs. R. Johnson of Evglehard Ontario nrrived Tuesday to visit with their niece, Lois Hopper and family for a few days. Mr. Charles Wedley and daughter Audrey arrived last Seturday from Winnipeg to visit with his deughter Gertrude Cotton nnd family for the coming two weeks, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Rowlandson with fomily Dawn, Vanda and Ian returned Sunday (cont. on page 3) Page 2 ST. MARTIN'S PARISH Saturday, September 19th, 1953. Confessions - 3 to 4 p.m. iG a Oy Sunday, Septembor 20th, 1953. Masses = 8:15 a.m, 103 00"a,m, Rosary and Benediction, Sunday, 7.30 p.m. Mass during the week at 8:00 a.m. There will be no mass Saturdey morning September 26. o-0-0 SEPARATE SCHOOL BOARD MEETING A meeting of the Board of Trustees of the Terrace Bay Separate School will be held in the Separate School on Tuesday, September 22nd, 1953 at 8:15 p.m. C. Boudresu Sec-Treasurer o-0-0 C.WL. BAYAAR The ladies of the C.W.L. care having a bazaar on October 10th, There will be plenty of very interest- ing things to buy and the booths will feature such things as aprons, novelties, home baking, candy, hot dogs, pop, fish pond, There will also be a tea for the ladies and something quite nice, we think, for the expectant mothers, lots of baby nighties and other baby articles they will be thrilled to have, but more about that later. The big feature will be a draw and the articles will be on displey at Waghorn's Drug Store next week, The draw will take plece at a Gala evening of games for every person in town, 0-0-0 PASSENGER WANTED Going to Brandon, Man. Septerber 20th 1953. Room for 1 or 2. Contact Clock #1,00 or Post Office Box 4h, "a W. Andorso 0-0-0 SAFETY SLOGAN Thursday Noon September 17th to Thursday Noon September 24 ATE TO-DAY. HERE TO-MORROW FF