THE FIRES YOU TEMEMBER Were you ever in a burning house? you possibly forget it? Even though the fire may have been put out before it did much damage, you remember the exeitement and fear. If you were old enough to realize the danger, you will never again care to pass through such a terrible experience. You never have been in a burning house, do you say? That is fortunate, but at least you have seen fires and can plainly recall the clouds of smoke and the fierce crackle of the flames as they spread and destroyed everything within reach, You may have © noticed the people who escaped. Do you rem- ember their grief as they saw their homes and comforts, their clothing, furniture and their treasures that they had been gathering for so many years, sucdenly swept away? It is to be hoped that you have never seen a fire in which people have lost their lives or have been badly injured - but these too often occur, They happen without warning at points where they are least expected. People who have been going about their daily tasks without a thought of danger may suddenly find their escape cut off by flames that have been caused by somebody's carelessness. In order that such a terrible thing may. never happen through our carelessness, let us try to learn some things about fire, and especially about the ways in which it may be kept from becoming dangerous. Look at the itecord, "Mother and Four Children Die in Bromp- ton Home" "Four Brothers 15 = 14 - 11 and 6 Die In Log Home Fire at Salmon Arm, B.C," "Four Die in Montreal Fire" "Three Sisters Die in Fire at Ripples, N.B. wt These are only a few of the fires rep- orted where persons have lost their lives violently all over Canada. During the month of February there were 22 children and §& adults burned to death, Let's learn qa less- on and try to prevent fires everywhere, We can if we try. Remember, fires do take lives. Can O=-0-0 FLASH : In our Curling news on Bob Monteith's rink we have learned that George Delong, another of last year's "Whiz Kids" and Len Crockford, are the remaining members of this rink, Sorry, George & "Norma"!! Q-0-0 YOUR PLANS FOR TOMORROW - DEPEND ON SAFETY TODAY Page 8 PHOTOS FOLK CO-OP A short time ago, we ran a short item in the "News" requesting pictures of child- ren in order that we could feature a "spread" in a forthcoming issue of Co-Operation Mag- azine, The response to this request was not great enough and so we didn't get enough pictures to make a worthwhile showing, So the idea has been deferred until the next issue now and we are making this, a second call to you parents to let us have some prints of those children of whom you are so justly proud, (3 Some things to remember: Pictures only, no negatives please, No guarantee that any or all pictures submitted will be used or that they will ever be returned, Make sure that they are all properly ident- ified before. you turn them into the Personnel Offices First. Aid ltoom; Operating Personnel Man's office; or Ossie Dalzell, As a con- venience in the Townsite, they may be left with the Librarian, 0-0-0 NOTICE Items for publication in the Terrace Bay News must be handled in one of the following ways:- Phaced in one of the News- boxes located at the Mill gine Clocks, and the Hudson's Bay Store, placed in the Post Office, delivered by hand either to the Recreation Office or the Personnel Office, No matter which system you choose, the material must be at any one of these places _ NOT LATER THAN 12:00 NOON ON WEDNESDAY! Material for publication must be in writing and no telephone requests will be handled, Send it in writing, and don't wait until Wednesday noon to do it, please, The fact that Wednesday noon is the dead- line for all news doesn't mean that we won't accept it before that time, you can't get your news in too early for us, 0-0-0 TERRACE BAY NEWS, published every Thursday at Terrace Bay, Ontario, is devoted to the interests of everyone connected with the LongLae Pulp and Paper Company Limited project of the Kimberly-Clark Corporation. All items: for-publication must be in the hands of the Editor by noon on 'VJednes- day of each week, Kindly submit all articles and address all communications to: 0. R. Dalzell, Editor. 0-0-0 A PLACE FOR EVERYTHING EVELYTHING IN ITS PLACE