Volume 8, No. 9 KTVANIS SPONSORING EUROPEAN FLOOD RELIEF COLLECTION As everyone knows the great floods in the low countries and Britain have caused much hardship and suffering. As a gesture of goodwill many people have expressed a wish to donate towards the relief of this suffer- ing. The Kiwanis Club has arranged to coll- ect any donations in one sum to be presented as a donation from the entire town. (The Kiwanis Club is merely acting as a collect- ion agency.) No canvassing or tag day or any such type of campaign will be run, all cont- ributions are strictly voluntary, This is a good and needy cause and any- one wishing to donate any amount no matter how small should bring or send their money to the Imperial Bank, Letters should be addressed to the Canadian National European Relief Fund c/o Imperial Bank, Terrace Bay. Receipts will be issued for any contribution over $1.00, if requested, The box in the timeclock runway is part of this campaign, 0-0-0 Included in the out-of-town entries for the 10 Pin Bowling Invitation Tourney on Saturday, will be that high-flying "Nescoes" team from Fort William. A majority of the highest average bow- lers from the Lakehead will invade Terrace Bay this Saturday when the Nescoes #1 and #2 teams take on our two top local teams in the Annual Terrace Bay Invational 10-Pin Tourney, The local teams are made up from the highest 10 bowlers in the men's league and the Nes- coes are lead by Pete Fuchek with the high average in the Lakehead (186), while the rest of the team are not far behind hin, The tourney started in 1951 and the interest in this year's match is particularly high as it amounts to the saw-off. The (cont. on page 4) LARGEST CIRCULATION IN TERRACE BAY March' 5, 1953. DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION CONCERT Another of those dandy Department of Education Musical Concerts is coming your way. Three very talented Canadian Artists will present a programme for your enjoyment, Deltra Eamon, a glamourous graduate of the University of Toronto, where she obtained her Bachelor of Music degree, is the sop- rano, Clarence Fleigler of the Royal Cons- ervatory of Music of Toronto will be the baritone, while Zleanor Beardall also of the Royal Conservatory of Music will be the piano accompanist, in addition to playing several numbers by herself. This concert has all the earmarks of being something none of us can afford to miss and we should take advantage of the fact that the High School Students will be bringing the tick- ets to our houses for sale purposes, Regular priees will prevail with 75¢ per adult and 35¢ per student being a barg- ain rate for this entertainment, This concert will be the first of this type to be held in our new Auditorium and who ever heard of anyone missing a first in Terrace Bay. So there you have it folks, the High School Auditorium, Thursday, March 12th at 8:00 p.m. 0-0-0 EASTER SHAL CAMPAIGN An appeal to the people of Ontario to purchase Easter Seals and in this way fur- ther the work of the Ontario Society for Crippled Children was voiced this week by Hon. Mackinnon Phillips, Minister of Health. On March 5, the Society launches a month- long drive to obtain $475,000 for its work during 1953. In endorsing the organization which cares for 6,000 handicapped youngsters, operates a year round cerebral palsy research and treatment service, finances and operates (cont. on page 4)