PHE WHEE HOCKEY NEWS There are fierce battles being fought all over the worid but some of the fiercest are waged on the rink after school on Mon- days, Wednesdays and Fridays, The teams seem to be well balanced, The puck just can't make up its mind which net to fly into. So far, the Leafs, under Hector McLeod, have won one game and tied two to give them a total of four points. The Hawks (due, no doubt to the good coaching of Jim MacDonald and Reg. LeBlanc) have won two games and tied one to give them the grand total of five points, At the bnttom, but coming up fast are the Canadiens under the direction of R, Scowen, They have tied one game to give thom one point, If you like hockey, don't spend your money going to the Maple Leaf Gardens or Schreiber, You will see just as hard a game fought with just as much spirit right in the back yard of the school, Come along and cheer your son to victory, 0-0-0 LIBRARY NE"S Hours Monday & Wednesday - 2:30 to 4:30 p,m. Tuesday & Thursday --- 7:00 to 9:00 p.m. Children's Hours Monday & Wednesday --- 4:00 to 4:30 p.m. Tuesday & Thursday ~ 7:00 to 7:30 p.m. New Books for Children: "Maggie Muggins and Mr E. Grannan, "The Secret of Red Gate Farm" ' Mystery Story by Carolyn Keene, "Charter Pilot" by Jack Hambleton, Test pilot for a new airplane! That came right out of the story books, But that was how Bill Hanson became acqucinted with the "Fisher", an acquaintanceship that grew to such enthusiasm thet he decided "to go for broke" and buy one for himself, "Arrow Fiy Home" by Katharine Gibson, A very important thing about this book is that the Indian is neither angel nor savage, but @ man living according to the ways of his people, Their weys will be as appealing to other boys as they were to David, "Anne Frank" The Diary of a 'young girl. fn extraordinary document of adolescence translated from the Dutch, Introduction by Eleanor Roosevelt, "The Uystery of the Tolling Bell", Drew Mystery story by Carolyn Keene, "Rosamunda" by Mary C, Hateh, The story and pictures of a special pig, "Jets of the World" by Maj. C. B. Colby. "Tommy--On--Time" by Virginia Novinger. Full colour and black & white illustrations, MeGarrity" by Mary A Nancy Drew A Nancy Page 3 MIXED 10 PIN BOWLING The Badgers are leading the pack after the first week's bowling in the final series in the mixed 10 pin league on the strength of a 4 point win over the Superiors, Bob Shirriff was the big gun for the winners with high scratch gome and series for the afternoon 168 - 478. Olyve Harrison was the big sun for the losers as she hit high game 183 scratch and 210 with handicap and high series 458 scratch for the girls, Doris Lindskoog had high women's series with handicap for the afternoon 544, In the other match Capt. Hack Freeman demonstrated that the Royalettes are to be reckoned with as he hit high game and series with handicap for the men 198 ~ 537 as he led his team to a 3 to 1 win over the first series winners the Firettes, Standings(2nd Series) Badgers 4 Royalettes 3 0-0-0 LADIES FIVE PIN BOWLING Joey Semeniuk starred in this week's Ladies' league with 3 games well over the 200 mark and a scratch series of 718 which is high with and without handicap in the league so far, Other high scratch series were: Evel- yn Boutilier 668, Ann Checkryn 652, Doris Lindskoog 639, Irene Goodfellow 541, Ethel Maitland 508 High averages to date are: Anne Check- ryn 187, Joey Semeniuk 185, Evelyn Boutilier 172, Doris Lindskoog 165, Irene Goodfellow 162, Lillian McDonald 161, Standings to Date Terrors a5 Whirlers 7 Firettes ab Superiors 0 Goodgals 5 Sure Shots 5 0-0-0 CHRISTMAS SEAL DONATION RECEIPTS If a Seal Donation receipt was desired a check place was provided for on the Christ- mas Seal form, Those who did not check this may Still obtain a receipt by writing the secretary, Mrs, B, MeCuaig, Box 187, Schreib- er, The Secretary would also like to state that in accordance with the Christmas Seal Constitution she will be sending out second reminder cards shortly, If anyone who has donated, receives one of these cards, her apologies are in order, o=-0-0 SHOE REPATR SHOP HOURS Shoe repair shop will be open in the evenings from Feb, 3rd to Feb, 10th, It will be closed this weekend,