wo ce (MARTIN'S * PARISH - Saturda November 11th: Gonfessions = 3:00 to 4:00 p.m. 73:0@ to 8:00 p.m. Sunday, November 12th: Masses -- 8:00 aem. and 10:00 am. Rosary & Benediction - 7330 p.m. To Ladies Guild will hold their next meeting 2+ the home of Mrs, J. Wig, House #185 at 6:00 pm. on Wednesday, The Men's Club will meet in the Teen Town Club Rooms on Tuesday, November 14th. 0-0-0 "TT HAPPENED SO F..ST" Ls part of my responsibilities, I am continuously visiting surgical hospitels and convaleseent centers, to telk to workmen injured while in their employ. I rarely pass by a patient without asking him how he re- ceived his injury. In nearly every instence the answer is, "I don't exactly know, it all happened so fast." Our Board processes 800 accident reports per. day, and consequently we are fully aware of the suffering and cost of industrial acci- dents, We see plenty of evidence of accidents which could have been avoided, It is impre- ssive to talk with a workman learning how to hobble about on an artificial leg; or stu- dying a new skill, having now to wear an ar- tificial arm; or to feel his way around in the early stages of becoming accustomed to. total blindness, /ny activity that may re- duce the number of industrial injuries has our complete support, In spite of the exeellence of cur som- pensation legislation, I know that the best surgical skill, the best hospital attention, the best artificial appliance, and the best wage compensation, cannot even begin to re- place the loss of an eye, the loss of » hand, or the distortion of a backbone, E, &.. SPARROW, Chairman, The Workmen's Compensation Board. Reprinted from "Safety News", o-0-0 OPEN RECREATION Mee TING On Monday, Nov. 20th, the Recreation Com~ mittee will hold their monthly meeting, all tho residents of the community arc invited. Free refreshments will bo served to all pres- ent at the, close.of the meeting. i ' November 15th. Page 4 Editor's Note: Tiuastt Now we know!! 'e've all been taken in on an advertising stunt; but, as we still think these letters are "News- worthy" we print the latest one. Our readers ere asked to not regard us as a little soft~- headed because we never dreemd that the local Legionnaires would do this to us. Rur2l Route No.1, Seturdey, 1950. Dear Hiram: Het He! I shure been a-pullin' your laig this lest while, but I guess you were glad to git my letters enyweyS. You see, Hiram, Maw joined the army Girls in the last freces end she got after those Legion fellers up your way to put on this here BiRN DANCE on FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 24th. 'They said they would ifin I eould git you to git people to zo to it, So ---- I writ these letters. From whet I hear down here, it'll be some shebang but 1 hope it will be orderly like because them Legion Fellers come down here t'other dey and took my brand new out - house t! Terrace Bay. They said some people up there never seen one and it was high time they did. 4nd, Hirsm, you go tell thet feller in charge of the South Camp thet I won't be puttin' my cows in his bowlin' alleys. But, Hiram, Itll be at thet BRN DANCE ened I'll hev some money for you ifin you take good note of the last poster, So, you skedaddle around and tell everybody thet caintt read up thar, thet this is a-gonna be a real skahootin', hollerin' anc stompin" affair. You be shure to dence with your Maw. Your truly, Clem. o~0-0 CHILDREN'S TICKETS FOR CONCERT It has just been announced that, cue to the number of requests reeeived for children's tickets, all Kiwanians will be selling these special tickets at .50¢ each, If you have already purchased e child's ticket «nd paid $1.00 for it, please apply to the person who mede the sale and he will gledly refund half of the purchase price. This special offer applies to school children only. : 0-0-0 WOMEN'S INSTITUTE The Institute will hold en evening tea at the home of Mrs, A, Farrow, 56 Laurier jvenue, on Thursday, November 16th, 411 ladics are invited to attend.