ARTIN'S 3" DARISH Page 2 Confessions: Saturday, Nov. 16 ~ 3-4 Dem : 7-8 DM. Masses: Sundey, Nov, 15 - 8:00 a.m, and 10:00 a.m. SCOUTS & CUBS The Boy Scouts will soon be canvassing jn the Townsite and the North Camp for the sele of Christmas cards, gift wrapping end Secls to provide funds for future progremme and summer camp. They will heve many types, sizes and prices on these items cvailable for your choice. The Scouts and Cubs ask that all organi- zations remember them when planning ® social funetion of any kind. They are willing to take over hat end coat checking services for these occasions. All proceeds will be used for summer camps. Anyone interested is asked to contact scouters or group committee members. What Is Boy Scout Apple Day?"- It is one day in cach year on which cubs, scouts, seouters and group committeemen work to- gether to raise funds for Scouting through the sale of apples. Why Is Boy Scout Apple Dey Ho1d?* - The- purpose is to raise funds for scouting. It has, however, several by+products which are of considereble importcnce, such 283 * L? THE MOVIES Publicity z oe ot a ei Saturdey, Oct. 1jth - "THE FIGHTING growers - Helps step up i% gotten . OtFLYNN® starring Winigrei te Zt Beit, eedoe Bey om Seta Douglas Fairbanks, Jr. This picture is a When Is I 61d?» In Terrace Bay on oc tur lusty romence and adventure story of the days day, October 21st. of Napoleon. No evening devotions. Mrs, W. Cavaneugh, President of St. Martin's Ladies Guild, wishes to extend a sincere thanks to all who contributed to the Bazaar and elso to those who assisted in any way to make the Bazaar the success it was. Special mention should be made of the huge effort put into this undertaking by Grand Convenor Mrs. J..Marcella and the individual booth convenors who worked so painstakingly with her. And last but not leest to the many patrons who thronged the new church and availed themselves of the merchandise offered for sale. The October mecting of the St. Martin's Ladies Guild will be held on Wednesday , October 18th, at the home of Mrs. W. Cave- naugh (125 Poplar Grescent) and will commence at 8:00 pem. SHARP, All members are res- pectfully urged to attend. o~0-0 The next regular Cub meeting will be Saturday Matinee -~"THE LAST ROUND-UP* held on Fridey, the 13th., at 6:30 pm. in the Armouries. Movie-goers pleese note: Perents are once «gain reminded of the 'All Tuesday night shows have been age requirements for boys wishing to become eancelled until further notice. Cubs, The boys must have attained their 8th 0-0-0 birthday before heing eligible for member=- LEGION LOG ship. Folks! Don't forget the Legion Bingo on 0-0-0 Saturdey night. The Snowball is now worth BASEBALL DRAW TICKETS $20.00 and as an added attraction we shell fil holders of baseball draw tickets have a Punch Board, Lots of fun end lots are asked to hang onto their tickets as the of prizes. Remember! Saturday night, Draw is scheduled to take place on October October 14th, Legion Hall at 8:00 p.m. 27th, at the Hallow'ecen Dance. 0-0-0 0-0-0 NEXT WEEK'S SAFETY SLOGAN 9:00 a.m. October 16th to 9:00 am, October 23rd 9:00 a.m. October 23rd _________------- : AeMe "/CCIDENT PREVENTION PAYS DIVIDENDS* pe ee