Page 5 HOSPITAL HAPPENINGS Two mare proud papas among the LongLac empleyees roster: April 27th - to Mr. and Mrs, Ken Turner, a daughter, and May lst to Mr, and Mrs, J. Yates, a daughter, 0-0-0 TOWN TALK AND TID BITS Welcome back to Terrace Bay to Ab Keehn who will be working as assistant to the Municipal Clerk-Treasurer, Ab put in a good portion of the construction period at Terrace Bay and was first eveeihenn of the original Social Club organized here, Jack Wood had a narrow escape from serious injury on Tuesday evening when he dropped to the ground from a second storey hotel window while rigging an aerial for his favourite wife, You'd better ask Freddie over to sharpen you up en safety, Jack! Ted DuPont is in for a brief stay with the Accounting Department lads. Ted, known to all as the man who comes for one month and invariably stays longer, hails from. the head office of Kimberly Clark in Neenah, Oswald (Ossie) R. Dalzell is attending a National Industrial Recreation Conference at Milwaukee, Wis., as the representative of the Terrace Bay Recreation Committee, Let's boost our town's facilities, particularly the spacious Hotel Terrace, when. talking to our out-of-town acquaintances. It is noted that the Lakehead cities as "wold as many ether larger centres are declaring May lst to 8th as National Tourist Service Week, Hetel Terrace is justly proud of its long list of 1949 tourists who went away happily sur- prized at what it had to offer, and looks forward to another influx in 1950. Qur genial Scout Master, Mason Dixon, is back on the job after a brief stay in Terrace Bay Hospital. Terrace Bay residents are glad to be on the official Trans-Canada Highway Route #17 recently decided on, and look forward to closing of the gap with our neighbours to the East, Ken Willer had visions of a perfect game on Alley #4 of the lecal bowling alleys last Saturday afternoon, ending up with a lovely 382 final count, You!1] make it yet, Ken} Jim Denny is "holding the fort" at Dominion Catering Company since Lorne Woodard's departure, And did you see the pun one cf the Lakehead paper used recently: "The communist influence has extended so far that even the floods in Manitoba are charged to the Red River." 0-0-0 LONGLAC'S ACCIDENT EXPERIENCE (Based on National Safety Council Standards) (to May 3, 1950) 'Safe days since last on-duty disabling lost-time accident 19 (Record 130) Man hours sirce last on-duty disabling lost-time accident 66,500 (Record 470,000) Frequency Rate for 1948 - 22.36 670,811 man hours Frequency Rate for 1949 - 13.76 - 1,308,099 man hours Frequency Rate fer 1950 to date - 4.71 423,971 man heurs Frequency Rate since Aug. 13/49 - 3.2k 923,471 man hours 0~0-0 A report just received from the Ontario Pulp and Paper Makers' Safety Asseciation covering the first quarter of 1950 shows our LongLac Mill in 2nd pesition in Class "At, There are 22 Ontario pulp and paper mills in this division, At the moment we are ina very good position to go on and win first place honours which would be a real achievement during our second year of mill operations, SAFETY IS EVERYBODY'S BUSINESS and everybody benefits when good records are established as pain, suffering, loss of wages and the countless other evils of accidents are thereby reduced to a minimum, ,