Page 5 TOWN TID BITS You just can't seem to convince some of these dyed-in-the-wool Curlers that spring is almost with us, On Friday, March 3lst and Saturday, April ist, six rinks got together and organized themselves a short two day 'spiel which Paul Boudreau's rink won, Now we haar that they have outdone themselves by playing a grudge game last night. Take it easy fellas, you'll be playing on sand pretty soon, Last Thursday and Friday we had the pleasure of welcoming C. A, "Sam" Samuelson and a bus-load of supervisors and scalers from Longlac Woodlands Division, The boys were down here to find out just exactly what does happen to that pulp-wood after they lose sight of it. They arrived on Thursday, checked in at the Hotel and were conducted through the Mill on Friday. According to the guides, our visitors were very interested in the processing end of the business and after having checked with the Hotel Manager, wé find that all four walls are still intact in that building, Welcome back any time, fellas. Congratulations are in order to Mr. and Mrs, Reg, Cotton on the birth of a baby girl on Tuesday, April 4th, That must be your reward Reg., for winning the Men's League Bowling Championship! A word of welcome to'Messrs. F, S, Seaborne, J, T. Whalen, T. C,. Epps, G, L. Clarke, #, H, Raw, W. H. Swanson, F, Nichols, and C, Schueppert, all of whom are members of the Kimberly Clark family in Neenah and are with us for a couple of days on business. Here's A Reminder For Yous If vou have not yet made your remittance to the Kiwanis Club in respect of their Easter Seal Campaign - It's not too late - Send it today} Since Ed "Scotty" Brady put his good wife on the train for a couple of week's visit em home, it is reported that the sale of canned goods in the Townsite has increased by 50%. 0-0-0 BADMINTON It appears as though the Badminton Tournament will be held in Marathon on Sunday, April 30th, There have been 6 team entries in the trials so far and a round-robin series has been started, It is not too late yet to enter your doubles team, so be on deck next Wednesday night for sure if you wish to enter into this competition, The 4 highest teams will make the trip to Marathon. 0-0-0 BUS SCHEDULE DURING SHUTDOWN The bus will run its regular schedule during the Shutdown period, with the following exceptions: Easter Sunday - Terrace Bay Taxis will take the 3:30 p.m. run from Townsite to Mill and the return trip at 4310 petit. from Mill, Taxis will also take the 11:30 pam, run from the Townsite and the 12310 asm, return trip from the Mill, _ Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday the bus will make special daily trips at 5:45 p,m, to take Maintenance Crews from the Townsite to Mill, It will also make trips into the Townsite starting at 7:40 p,m, to go to the Mill and leaving the Mill at 8:10 pam, to return to the Townsite. Trips will also be made daily at 10:10 p.m, from the Mill to take Maintenance crews home, 0-00 GEGION AUXILIARY At a regular meeting of the Auxiliary held on Tuesday, April 4th, plans were discussed for the preparation of the meal to be served at the Cub and Scout Father and Son Banquet. Any members of the Auxiliary who were unable to attend this meeting and who wish to help out on this project are asked to contact any menber of the Executive, O-0--0 LOST One brown alligator clutch bag with zipper on three sides. Contains small emount of money and keys. Reward. Finder please return to House No, 168, FOR SALE 1938 Plymouth Coach in good condition, with heater and block heater, defroster and 1950 license, Reasonably priced, Phone 89 or apply so House No, 86 after '500 "pam,