WVeby G NO pe ee RR RNR ne a etn apenas Sn RR Me caret 5 NF emma rt me a a oe Ate enn stet e alte ee aaa am NEW BRIDGE OVER AGUASABON WILL BE OPEN FOR TRAFFIC JUNE e8TH According to present plans, the new highway oa bridge over the Aguasabon River will be open for traffic on Monday June 28th, thus marking another stage in the development of the area, Effective at noon on the same day the Highway Department will close the old highway #17 and divert traffic from Schreiber over the new road and bridge into Terrace Bay. All traffic leaving Terrace Bay will be routed through the town via the new highway, Due to the Hydro development which will shortly flood out a considerable portion of old highway #17 between Terrace Bay and Schreiber it was necessary to re-route, the road to its present new location south of the C. P. R. tracks. 0-0-0 LAKEHEAD LADIES TEAM TO VISIT TERRACE BAY Sunday June 27th should be a big day at Terrace Bay for softball enthusiasts who will have the spportunity of witnessing a double-header between the "Rockettes" from the Lakehead and an all star Terrace Bay girl's team. The first game is scheduled to get underway at 2:00 p.m. and the second game at 6:30 p.m Weather permitting, National Film Board men (who are at present in Terrace Bay making a moving picture) will be taking movies of the afternoon game. This shoulg prove to be an added attraction and the bleachers, which have a seating capacity of 500, will no doubt be jammed. " o-Oro NEWS PEL MOVIES BEING TAKEN OF HYDRO AND Anytime during the next ten days, persons LONGLAC PROJECTS BY NATIONAL FILM BOJRD associated with the Hydro and LongLac projects at Terrace Bay are likely to see a three man crew taking "moving pictures" and "stills" of various phases of the job. The gentlemen in question, Net Clavir, Wilfred Doucette and Roger Morin are all from the National Film Boord. Ottawa, and they are at Terrace Bay "shooting" a movie of the development, primarily for news rec]. release throughout Canada, United States end perhaps elsewhere, Just as soon as the weather breaks and "old sol" comes out again the picture taking will commence in earnest and we feel sure that everyone will do their utmost to cooperate. 0-0-0 LtENNIS COURTS NEARING COMPLETION The two tennis courts in the Townsite are nearing com- pletion although work on the courts has been delayed the past two days due to the weather. Plans are still being made, however, by officials of the Tennis Club for an official opening of the courts on Saturday July 3rd when it is hoped the courts will be ready, On Monday evening June e8th at 7:30 pom. a general meeting of all tennis players will be held for the purpose of paying membership fees reading the constitution and ordering tennis rackets and balls for individual members, Everyone interested in playing tennis during the coming season is urged to be present dn the Personnel Office, 0-0-0 DANCE JUNE SOTH The Terrace Bay Ladies! Softball League is sponsoring a dance on Wednesday, June 50th, in the Recreation Hall. Music will be supplied by Marcotte's Orchestra from Marathon. Admission - $1.75 per couple. The lucky ticket for the skiff and motor sponsored by the Terrace Bay Curling Club will be drawn at the dance after midnight,