Page ®.e Another good habit to get into is to be the opposite of cereless--especially with fire in the forest. To get.the habit of remembering to be careful with fire in the forest will prevent forest fires from starting; will save the terrible annual loss of timber and pulpwood trees; will save you from worrying all the way home: "Did I put thet camp fire out?" (You did if you used lots of woter.) see "Did I put out that cigaret?" (You did if you crushed it out on a rock or threw it in the water.) "Did I put out that match?" (You did if you broke it in two and held it until it wes cold, or threw it into the water.) : To get the habit of preventing forest fires from starting is to prevent your town from becoming a ghost town. ; HELP PREVENT FOREST FIRES--IT PAYS! 0. O..0 PLAYGROUND SUPERVISION The following ladies of the Townsite have volunteered to supervige the playground between the hours of 2:30 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. for the week of June el - 25. f r Monday - June el - Mrs. C. A. MacMillan and Mrs, K. Nairn Tuesday - June ee ~ Mrs. R. Harris and Mrs. T. Turner Wednesday - June 23 - Mrs. A. Heuer and Mrs. H. C. Laundy Thursday - June 24 - Mrs. R. Wallwin and Mrs. J. Graham Friday - June 25 - Mrs. J. Duncan and Mrs. YW. Hopper oie LADIES' AUXILIARY MEETS The regular monthly meeting of the Ladies! Auxiliary of the Community Church was held in the Recreation Centre on Wednesday, June 16. It was decided to hold a. sale of homemade baking on the last two Saturdays of the month, June 19 and June 26 at the Hudson's Bay store between 7:00 p.m. and 8:00 p.m. A proposed constitution for the Auxiliary was read by the president and adopted by the meeting. Mrs. A. Christensen, who is leaving the community tendered her resignation as convenor of the novelty group and Mrs. D. Colquhoun was asked to fill the position. Mrs. W. Covington consented to take over all -Mrs. Christensen's duties on the Sick and Visiting Committee. It was decided to discontinue meetings for the summer months and re-open on the second Monday in September. Following the business meeting the entertainment committee for the month: Mrs. Monty Paget and Mrs. G. Rowlandson conducted a flower contest. The winners Mrs. C. Guest and Mrs. R. Harris were presented with little Colonial nosegays of pansics. Tea was served by Mrs. A. Christensen and Mrs. W. Covington, 000 MONTHLY MEETING OF ST. MARTIN'S CATHOLIC GUILD On Wednesday evening June 16th a well attended meeting was held at the home of Mrs. R. J. Shemanski. Refreshments were served by the hostess, with Mrs. Gordon Bird pouring, following which the special guest of the evening, Father Delaney spoke briefly. The Vice-President, Mrs. E. Cavanaugh conducted the meeting, the minutes were read by the Secretary, Terry Paulmert followed by a report from the Treasurer, Catherine Maltese and from the Dance Committee Chairman, Mrs. R, M. Schneble. Nominations for the new presidency were called for and Mrs, R. M. Schneble was elected as President of the Guild. A programme of events was drawn up for the coming months and programme chairmen elected for the various social events, The Dance Committee Chairman thanked all those who assisted to make the dance a success and the Guild wishes to extend their thanks to all who helped in any way, The next monthly meeting is scheduled for July elst at the home of Mrs. C. Knauff, 131 Poplar Crescent. A bridge party was conducted following the business meeting.