Der eae M BANK © CLOSED FRIAS The Terrace Bay Branch of the.Imperial Bank" -- of Canada will not be open is-customary~or a pay day. oa Rark hours are regularly as follows: 3:50 a.m. to 12:00 noon 700 p.m. to 3:00 p.m, 200 sme eo tOO Dim, :00 r.m. to 11:00 a.m, {20 pamy Ge! MOO peme | HNonday to Friday inclusive Evening hours, Mone, Wed, and Fri.' Saturday (coniencing Sept, 6th,) additional hours on vay Days ee ee Hake «ND THERE Terrace Bay welcomes three new comers from limberly Clark Corpore sion, Neenah. Al. Hever will head up the new Planning and liaterials unit. Urban Vander Velden and Walter Verhagen will assist in-the :.aterials Coordinatin and warehouse respectively. wabale aii Recent Terrace Bay visitors from the Woodlands Department were: Gordon G. Cosens, a.F. Beull, GW. Phipps and A.L.i. Switzer. athe ' Mr. and Mrs. Glarence Smith, Terrace Bay School Teachers, attende' t:_ Teacher's Gonvention at the Lakehead last week-end, eck vali Mrs. C.i.~-Paget recently returned from a trip to the Lakehead. peaks W.J. Edwards, Longiac's Traffic Manager is visiting Terrace Pay som the Torunto Office. coaQurme, Paul Cybulka of the C, staffwill be leaving Terrace Bay shor +1 for Sudbury to assume duties there with the C.P.R. Paul wil! long be i ad He 16-0 no-hit no run game he hurled against Hydro on July 20th of this year. Good luc Paul in your new assignment. = Sia ha de In our last reference to-:vgw townsite residents, we neglected to mention Postmaster Ed, Cavanaugh, Mrs. Cavanaugh and their family: Mary, Joo, Ted, John,Paul, and Terry who recently took up residence at 1e8 Poplar Crescent. i Bob and Msther Sheppard ere now régidents at 132 Poplar Crescent, he Recent Lakehead Visitors from Terrace Bay were: Mr. and Mrs. i.!, Clowes, Mr. and Mrs, R.M Schneble and Mrs.-R.-J.-Shemanski. a ek PERSONAL SAFETY CHE CHECK LISE. Te Cy Dom you ou believe in n safety for yoursolf too? oe Do you keep your mind on your job? 3e Do you avoid short cuts and chance taking? 4, Do you use all necessary safety appliances and devices? DON'T KID YOURSELF BOUT SAFNTY YoU MAY BE THE GOAT.