Fage 4 TWO MOOSE BAGGED As we went to press last Wednesday {Oct,15th} we commented upon ( the *Terrace Bay nimrods who were on hand at the crack of dawn to greet the opening of the 1947 Moose Season," Before the day was over two denizens of the forest, bearing a moose tag, had met their fate, Credit for one beauty belongs to Carl Mageran but the story surrounding the bagging of the second animal takes a little more telling. According to reports, Bill Pryde, Ray Fleweling and Les Cox were hunting together when Mr. Moose was sighted, All three in the party fired shots and then went looking for their prey who had taken to the bush after being wounded, Bill Pryde got the shock of his life when the moose in question suddenly rose up from a thicket only a few feet in front of him. Needless to say Bill's trusty rifle was hurriedly brought into action with the desired result, sabe ANOTHER CHAPTER IS WRITTEN Of interest to everyone in these parts, of special " significance to Long Lac's Woodlands Department and Malcolm Spidell in particular, is the history which is being made to-day, In years to come it will be noted that on October 22nd 1947, logs from the Long Lake and Aguasabon River drive went over the famous Aguasabon Falls for the last time, The stage of the river drive which will be eliminated to-day is a facinating one. For in travelling less than two miles from the C P.R. railroad bridge to the mouth of the river and Lake Superior (a drop of more than 200 feet) the logs passed over rapids, dropped over the Aguasabon Falls and made a right angle turn to the left in a cauldron of white foam at the base of the falls, to be squeezed through a gorge only 12 feet or so in width and then over additional rapids to the river mouth- all under the watchful eyes of expert polemen and river drivers, who sometimes had to be let down by stout ropes into the canyon to prevent log jams, By next spring and summer, when the pulp logs come down the river, they will be diverted above the Hydro Damsite to the wood yard, located north of the Millsite, there to be stored until Long Lacts 300-ton sulphate pulp mill goes into production, which is expected to be in January, 1949. snQun BADMINTON CLUB ORGANIZED On Wednesday October 15th, 1947, local badminton enthusiasts officially organized the Terrace Bay Badminton Club and elected the following officers. Chairman - C.E. "Monty" Paget Vice-Chairman - John Tutecky Secretary-Treasurer-Gladys Irvine Executive Members -Walter Lemiski -Morah Guest. Following the election which was conducted by Fred Soughton, "Monty" Paget took the chair and a number of important matters were discussed, The Club decided to procure badminton equipment for its members at a club discount and ofders were taken from some persons present at the meeting. The order will be finally made up following badminton to-night (October 22nd). It was also decided that a nominal membership fee of @1.00 per year would be charged payable on or before November 5th for the coming season, although anyone interested in playing badminton may do so at any time after November 5th upon payment of membership fee, The Terrace Bay Recreation Hall has been reserved for Badminton every Wednesday evening during the coming season and "bang-up* season is anticipated.