UP ANT Cai Th 14. Oo Pics. ie Get Those Ration Books.In: The W.P.T.B. has requested-us-to turn in the names of any persons who have not turned in-their RR PRC neat with the PEASONs _So, TURN THOSE BOOKS IN IMMEDIATELY, .. -o0o- Polish up your balancing technique and tie up your shoe laces, boys, because you'll soon be tripping the light fantastie with a tray elutched in both hands -- the new cafeteria is progressing rapidly and will be open in the near future. -o0o- ; For Theater Goers: Despite the later opening hours, the Commissary schedule remains the same - - 6:45 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. week days, _ 9:00 a.m. till 9:00 p.m. Sundays, Be wise, get your smokes early. : -o0o- Mr. Barney Woodard, our Superintendent, dropped in on one of his periodical visits last week, during which time he was a guest of Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Bird. -o0o- Mr. and Mrs, Gordon Bird, George and Johnny, are spending several days at Mr. J. A, Nicol's residence at Port Arthur. -o0o- We regret to report that our Thespian, eanine and musie connoisseur has been transferred to the Red Lake District. All kinds of luek, Claude, and success in your new re -o00- In and about Terrace Bay: No, no, Folks! It's not Haley's eomet, it's not a flash of lightening, it's not a jet; it's Bilous, our genial attache! Dick earries our diplomatie papers between the Upper and Lower Camps. Beware if you see him galloping about on the loose - - this intrepid courier is probably rushing up the late edition comics to L'il Abner fans, -o00- Well, folks, Shirley is retiring as D.C.'s stormy petrel and Camillia HonAaiauen (Popularly known as 'Kenny) makes her debut this week as maid of honour to Chatter Box. -o00= Chatter Box We're pulling out the old 'weleome' mat. ually, Thig week, for Dereen Dixon of Marathon and Celina Sarazin of Toronto who, we are sure, will feel at home in no time, -o00- Now that the smoke has blown. away, we ean emerge with a few soft-ball facts, Mainly, our gals want to get organized and rolling while summer holds out, so we have set a date, time and place to get together and talk things over, Wednesday, May 21st, at 8:00 p.m, in the Staff Lounge. We would appreciate representations from the Upper Camp and Office Staff who have expressed a desire to participate. Hydro is fielding two teams and are anxious to challenge us. Come on gals, let us look to our laurels. -o0o- Kilroy almost wasn't here. An unfortunate accident befell our little bear cub when he pulled a post down on himself, causing a serious head injury, Perhaps we should offer eon- dolences to Bruce, cause Fuzzy Wuzzy Wuzza almost Wuzzn't, (Ed.Note: I can't bear this any more.) -o0o- We have heard of Indians biting the dust, but imagine our surprise on seeing 4a young lady stretched out flat on her tummy chewing sand, Mystified? Se were we, but it was quite simple -- Freda and Carm were pushing mightily on the baek of a ear stuek in the sand, bingo, the car zoomed off leaving our friend in a reclining position. Picking herself up, she hazily muttered "My, but that spinach was good", -o0o- Don't be surprised if you hear the patter of lit#le feet around eamp as one of the girls sent away for a pair of shoes - - size 8. Evidently the clerk didn't believe any gal could or should have such big feet - - sent her size 8, but, children's size! -o0c=