sTONTUST TS ~ EXPAND - mind your reporter called on the company that. will be responsible for the new adi ty Page 3. } - eee garETy News" 70° * TO TOWNSITE PEOPLE In the near future construction will 'again start in the Townsite, At this time there will be a great deal of equipmic moving over the Townsite. streets. Please do all 'possible iy caution your children of this danger. ( ie + ie oP Ne ve Ne Se mea Cy | 'Do YOUR children | play in the street ? 'TO OPERATORS ap DRIVERS. OF VEEICLES The dpeua limit in Gamp ¢r Townsite is 15. Mh, This. ' \ as is to be rigidly enforced, Watch for children and fellow a - employees when operating, particularly when backing Up. A Sethe caution may save, a life. ' : | AROUND THE JOB cur woodlands Departnent (the former Agmasabon Ghnsteuction Co, ) end the rytipes have done some. real work this winter, A winter road was logated up to the Aguasabon Lakes, 16 miles north of here, At that point. 8 control dam will be erected and a. glearing operation as large as the one of the' 'past year will be undertaken. This winter road of the lakes at present wiilg) work is progressing on meting a road out of the. cliffs overhanging 'the lak Co "0008 : The new combined enginecring and admiatration. office at the 'millsite was 0} pened yesterday, This will 'provide convenient access to the mill eonstruction and wil doubt i BekD: ease the pressure on inter-oamp transportation facilities. ~000n: It has been rumoured that our Townsite. is due to expands With this rumour: in> to the Townsite, As a great number of you know I am referring to North Anerigen Buildings Limited of Winnipeg who have a branch office in Terrace Bay, The program 'tor 1947 consists of 75 hous ing units to be erected west of 'the' og A present Townsite, The streets follow the gentle sloping natural contours of the emt in this area providing seven | gponke avenues on which, to build. ao Houses of various design are to 'be eresked. this: year. ' The: architects have ae serenged. the many aca in such a manner AB 'to discourage monotony. of house layouts": ae % "We, can see @ very: busy putlding season. 6 whead that will extend well into late » fell. "The burning question seems to be, owil) North American come through?" From: the past record that this Saeny has, we 'Rave | no doubt that. "the houses will be commie, ted i on. schedule . It may be of - interest to our readers to now that favourable comments were > mn regarding "Terrace Bay News" on the Editorial. page of the Fort William Daily Times~_ Journal, _ Abril ents "We aincerely appreciate: the kind gesture. =000=