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Terrace Bay News, 29 Sep 1992, p. 13

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-Page 13, Tuesday, September 29, 1992 your marketplace message will reach Dorion-Hurkett-Red Rock-Nipigon-Beardmore-Jellicoe-Rossport-Schreiber-Terrace Bay-Jackfish ADULT LEARNING PROGRAM... reading, writing, math, high school correspondence courses . ... Monday to Thursday, 1:00PM to 5:00PM, Tuesdays, 7:00PM to 9:00PM. 312 Manitoba Street, Schreiber. Call Diane Linstead at 824-3164. CLEANING SERVICES: For reliable, efficient house cleaning services, call 887-2322 NEED A PLUMBER? Licenced plumber available. Free Estimates. Reasonable rates. Reduced rates for seniors. All work guaranteed for 30 days. Call any time at 824-2790. TYPING/WORD PROCESSING: Assignments, Letters, Reports, Resumes. For business or personal needs. Call Diane Linstead, 824-2843. BABYSITTING BABYSITTER NEEDED for three small children to commence Nov. 2, 1992, for 3-4 hours per day, Monday to Friday. Please call Mona at 825- 9571. CARS FOR SALE FOR SALE:- 1988 Ford T-Bird, Turbo. Phone 825-9678 FOR SALE: 1986 Subaru, 4 door sedan, new paint, pood condition, call 887-240 MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE: 1977 23' Coachmen "Cadet" Trailer, fully equipped, good condition, must sell, 887-2024 FOR SALE: 1978 hard top tent trailer with new screeens and a new dining tent. Good condition. $1,600. 825- 9306. FOR SALE: 1990 Mallard Sprinter 36 ft Travel Trailer, Loaded. 1992 Arctic Cat Wildcat 700 Mountaincat. Phone Bob Jeffery 825-9341 FOR SALE: 1981 Blazer 4 x 4, $1,200. 1973 Dodge School Bus, $600. All good running condition 'or B.O. 825-9228. THAXTERS HERBAL HEALTH / OPTIONS - now open, 11 years expe- rience. Services offered - certified reflexologist, iridologist, health kinesi- ology, herbology, homeopathics, nutri- tional evaluations, hair analysis, pro- fessional & in home educational semi-. nars, courses available, by appoint- ment only - 30 Second St, Ontario Hydro Bidg, 887-2935, 887-3626 leave message ARTICLES FOR SALE FOR SALE: 1 large wood grain wall entertainment unit, phone 887-3820 FOR SALE: 9' truck camper, sleeps 4, stove, fridge, furnace, T.V. & radio, asking $1,250; hard top camper, sleeps 8 comfortably, stove, fridge, & porti $$1100; Starcraft Boat, 85 merc, 3 cruise-a-day gas tanks, top & cover, water skiis, paddles, asking $3,500 - all in good shape, phone 886-2318 FOR SALE: Craftsman 12 H.P. snow- blower. Two stage, tracks, totally reconditioned by Jeans Chainsaws. Transferable warranty until Nov./93. $1,800 value, asking $995. Phone 825-9314. FOR SALE: Hoover compact washer, apartment size. Asking $100. Call any- time 825-9749. FOR SALE: Moffat Dishwasher, 1 1/2 years old, like new. Phone 825-3737. FOR SALE: State of the art Satellite equipment. Complete-set with Toshiba; receiver, descrambler, 10' mesh' black | dish. Bought for $3,700, asking $2,900 complete. Phone 825-9314. PERSONAL Pregnant? Distressed? Call Birthright 345-3200 or 1-800-328-LOVE Don't close the book on your child's future. Read together today. ABC CANADA THE FOUNDATION TO PROMOTE LITERACY IN CANADA. Distribution of this message was made possible by the Canadian Advertising Foundation. THE GAZETTE SERVICES ANNOUNCEMENTS FOR RENT REAL ESTATE REAL ESTATE FOR RENT - NIPIGON One Bedroom House For Rent located near the hospital. Fridge & Stove Included. $275.00 mo. 887-2743. FOR RENT: 3 bedroom bungalow on large lot, deck, full basement & garage. If interested, phone 886-2318 anytime NIPIGON - FOR RENT: 2 bedroom house, call 1-622-6573 NIPIGON - FOR RENT: small 2 bed- room house, fridge, stove, some fur- nishings, 111 Churchill St, $500 plus utilities, call 887-2911 or 887-3418, available immediately NIPIGON - HOUSE FOR RENT: 104 Newton, 2 bedroom, available Oct 1/92, rent $410.00 per month, call 887-2444 ; SCHREIBER -3 BEDROOM APT. FOR RENT: Walker St. Incl. fridge, stove, washer & dryer. Also 1 bed- room apt with big kitchen & bath. Call 824-2235, 824-3294 or 824-2031. SCHREIBER -FOR RENT: 2 bedroom townhouse type apartments, separate entrances on ground floor, washer & dryer hookup. Large bathroom, kitchen & dining area. Balcony off liv- ing room. Call Sandra 825-9025 at work or 824-3339 evenings. One bed- room also available: : pia Bilin Bic HIj0s 25 en = aye SCHREIBER-FOR RENT: 2 {2bea-"" room apts., 1 smaller, fridge & stove. 1 Larger, tidge & stove. Both $500 per month. both located 1 block from CPR Station and _ highschool. Available immediately. Call 824-3196 and leave a message. 10/13/92 TERRACE BAY - FOR RENT: 1 - 1 bedroom apt. includes fridge & stove. $400 per month. Please call 824- 3196 and leave a message. 10/13/92 STORAGE SPACE AVAILABLE in Terrace Bay. Store your Boats - Cars- Motorcycles for winter. Keep them safe from-winter weather. Ask for six. month winter special. Call.622-9716 With Us. Put your ad where it will be seen and get a response. Newspaper advertising works. Visit the Nipigon-Red Rock Gazette or the Terrace Bay-Schreiber News SM4IN YS8ISHHOS-AVE SOVHHSL SHL REALTY LIMITED REALTOR 245 Kenogami - 2 bedroom bunga- | low with attached garage.$64,900.00 7 Timbergrove - 4 level split with rec room and bedroom in bottom mining claim 20 acres east of Schreiber a few 100 ft. off Recreational pt 3S patended mining claim 12.6 acres south of Scheetber:. cii-cwosiasnaec $14,900.00 24 Erie St. - 2 bedroom handymans special, 1030 sq.ft......... $24,500.00 Commercial building 45 x 100, show room in front, warehouse in back, fenced yard Rediited:3.3,:;.actena.: $79,900.00 | URIS ZDANOVEKIS ead ¢s- AN "Monique Gauthie® Marathon' 229-0401 Nancy Kyro, Manitouwadge 826-4760 Terrace Bay WM =... $79,900.00 attached double garage...$89,500.00 185 Laurier - 3 bedroom 2 storey 33 Southridge - 3 bedroom home finished basement with sauna with finished basement and built-in attached garage... $88,500.00 Appliances..........-.-remseee $108,000.00 71 Terrace Heights - SOLD Schreiber Recreational Property patended 321 Newman St. - sold "AS IS" Nipigon "i US ali sri STs BRANCH OFFICE Simcoe Plaza - P.O. Box 715 Terrrace Bay, Ont. POT 2WO Office - 825-9393 or 825-3221 RELOCATION CENTRE 613 Strathcona - 3 bedroom bunga- low, finished basement 646 Superior - 3 level split with includes lot constructed basement and set of blue pritits...........0..... $42,906.00 114 Main St. - 2 storey home with the exterior completely remodelled 323 Newman St.- 2 storey home with 2 apartments, in a good location Pele 3 pai emer rams ye $69,900.00 White Sand Lake - 3 bedroom home, full basement, many extras..$90,000.00 14 Riverview - 2 storey with apart- ment on main floor and 1) ' "Sandy, Mode! Maditouwadge 826-1331 Shelley Gauthier, Longlas 876-2512 Advertise TERRACE BAY: Private Sale. 89 Terrace Heights, completely finished 4 level split. Four bedrooms, 2 bath- rooms. Newly renovated kitchen, living and dining area. Wood stove in family room. Attached garage. Huge fenced in back yard. Call for appointment. 825-9206 (H) 825-3370 (W). RED ROCK - HOUSE FOR SALE: single 3 bedroom brick 2 storey, totally renovated and upgraded, corner lot -and half, 104 Brompton Rd, contact Bilt MacDonald or call 886-2556 after 6 pm for appointment to view. ; HOUSE FOR SALE - SCHREIBER: 102 Bayview St., 3 bedrooms, kitchen, dining room, newly renovated bath- room, den - full basement. Call for an appointment to view. 824-2628. JACKFISH LAKE - HOUSE FOR SALE: 2 Bedroom bungalow, heated shop, 3 car garage, barn, T.V. dish, stove, deep well, oil & wood boilers. Full bathroom. All on one acre lot and much more. Phone 825-9249. -NIPIGON - COMMERCIAL BUILDING FOR SALE OR RENT: 16' x 45° - central.Front St, suitable for retail, office or service shop space. Owner will consider rental, rent to own or sale offers, call 887-2942 NIPIGON - HOUSE FOR SALE: 11/2 storey, 2 garages, 1 shop, 133 acres, highway frontage, phone 886-2340 NIPIGON - HOUSE FOR SALE: Location, Quality, Price! 3 bedroom split-back with 2 bathrooms, fireplace in living room, cathedral ceilings, fami- ly room & lots of storage. Spectacular view of Nipigon Bay at 105 McKirdy Avenue, 887-2443 NIPIGON - RESIDENTIAL LOT FOR SALE: 60° X 310 - good location, view of Bay, south exposure, West McKirdy Ave, phone 887-2942 SCHREIBER - HOUSE FOR SALE: 122 Ontario St., Living Room, Parlour, Kitchen, 3 bedrooms, Newly remod- elled. Asking $54,000. Phone 824- 3420 SCHREIBER: HOUSE FOR SALE 4 bedroom, private yard, detached garage. Call 824-2249 after 5 pm. TERRACE BAY - HOUSE FOR SALE: 185 Laurier Avenue. 3 bed- room, 2 storey with finished basement and sauna. Huge back yard with shed playhouse. Attached garage useable as workshop. Call Valerie 825-3871 or 1-345-9678.

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