Page 12, News, Tuesday, May 19, 1992 WE'RE MOVING REAL SOON the NEWS is moving into their new ojfice in the Cullmar Building(corner of Mill Rd) at the End of May Northern Insights: Whistle blowers deserve protection continued from page 5 Mr. Hampton, you are now the employer. Facts that might be exposed by whistle-blowers could be embarrassing to your government. But you made an eloquent case two years ago for the principle of public account- ability--the idea that, regardless of who is in power, the public has a right to know whether harm is being done to public resources. hearings in Fort Frances two years ago, (page 36,459 if you want to look it up) "in politics, there's two ways of approach- ing the problem: You can deal with the problem, or can deal with the public relations of the problem." "] think the government has chosen to deal in the last few years with the public relations of the problem, and that means convincing people that every- Premier Bob Rae has fre- quently used words like "'open- ness" and "partnership" to characterize your style of gov- eming. Thus, if you want to con- vince us that your government is actually dealing with prob- lems, rather than "the public relations" of problems, I urge you to pass strong whistle- blowing legislation. By pass- ing the legislation, you will Besides, as you told those thing is okay." convince a skeptical public that you really do not have any- thing to hide. fo Thank You a The family of the late Sadie Benko wish to express our sincere appreciation and thanks to {=} all of our family and friends who helped us through this time of sorrow. Your kind words and expressions of sympathy * have given us much comfort in knowing that XN if Sincerely, Larry Sanders BINGO BINGO BINGO BINGO BINGO BINGO BINGO Ni Me Win Cultural Committee of Pays Plat is having a BM @ 0 -- SUNDAY, MAY 24, 1992 AlN Sadie was a special lady, not only to her family but to everyone who knew her. KZ A special thanks to the Doctors and nurses of Port Arthur General and McCausland ae Only 160 tickets being sold = Hospitals for their care and kindness during her For reservation call = we he 824-2541, 824-2190 2 Also to the women of the Moose and the Ladies : = Auxillary of newer Bay gape ae ae Doors open at 12 noon whose help and support showe. ow muc Z dart loved. a $40 Advance Sadie will be sadly missed and always $50 at the door remembered. "Rest in Peace, Sadie". ae Your family John, Bob, Marilyn and Valerie BINGO BINGO BINGO pp SERVICES LTD: THE CORPORATION OF > erth THE TOWNSHIP OF SPECIAL TO JUNE 14/92 Ladies Skirts (Pleats Extra).............. 2 for $ 5.99 (Pairs only) TER RACE BAY Men's and Ladies Slacks/Pants.......2 for $ 4.99 (Pairs only) Blouses (Silk Excluded)................+++ 2 for $ 5.99 All Summer Coats (Suedes excluded).2 for $ 8.49 Wi d Parkas.............+-. 2 for $10.99 NOTICE OF APPLICATION TO THE ONTARIO MUNICIPAL | |Comutase sn atm $980 BOARD BY THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP 2 Piece Suits (Mens or Ladies).......2 for $ 8.99 | OF TERRACE BAY Sleeping Bags............sssscssssesseeseeees 2 for $11.29 FOR AN ORDER TO ERECT THE TOWNSHIP OF | DROP Oise VOU H DES es TERRACE BAY INTO A TOWN THE SEWING NOOK TRAVEL REST Bid: 9-30.09 TRAILER PARK 824-2617 TAKE NOTICE that the Corporation of the Township of Terrace Bay has Terrace Bay. Ont. Schreiber. Ont applied to the Ontario Municipal Board pursuant to the provision of Section 11(3) of the Municipal Act for an order to erect the Township of Terrace Bay into a town. SERVICED -GON FRIDAYS = Any person interested may, within twenty-one (21) days after date of this TOWNSHIP OF notice send by registered mail or deliver to the Clerk of the Township of SCHRIEBER Terrace Bay notice of his or her objection to the approval of said application together with a statement of the grounds of such objection and that if a hear- SPRING CLEAN UP ing is held he or she or his or her agent will attend such hearing to support such objection. The ONTARIO MUNICIPAL BOARD may approve of the said application but before doing so it may appoint a time and place when any objection to the application will be considered. Notice of any hearing that may be held will be given only to persons who have filed an objection and who have left with or seg to the undersigned Clerk the address to which notice of hearing is to be sent. MAY 14 - 22, 1992 | The Municipal Council requests your co-operation in making a general clean up of the Town during the period of May 14 - 22. Residents are urged to clean up their premises of all waste material and debris, in an effort to make our Town presentable to visitors and a credit to the community. Please have your scrap metal separated from your regular debris. FOR PICK - UP PLEASE CALL 824-2711. THE LAST DATE FOR FILING OBJECTIONS will be Tuesday, the 2nd day -of June, 1992. David C. Fulton Clerk-Treasurer Administrator Township of Terrace Bay P.O. Box 40 A.J. Gauthier Terrace Bay, Ontario Clerk Treasurer POT 2WO Township of Schreiber