Page 7, News, Tuesday, March 17, 1992 Dean Main and Joey Kostecki accept the donation of a barbell set from United Paper Work- : . States. This is Bélair upset over trade actions ._ sieves veut continued from page 5 the U. S. They ers International Local 665, represented by union trustee Max Miller. are using protectionism for political gain. This is the third time in ten years that the Americans have changed their defi- nition of a subsidy to suit their purposes. Clearly, this is | harassment and the Canadian government should retaliate. THANK YOU The Spadont family would like ta express our heartfelt thanks for the many hindnesses shawn our family ouer the lass of oun husband, father and grandfather, Sob Spadoni. Your donations of food, mass cards, flowers and danations ta the Cancer Society were very thaughtfel. Special thanks to Father Rademaker for a lovely seruice Girls, your supper was delicious. Thank you ts WMarian the mass. "Je all of those whe attended the sewice and crfressed your condolences through words and carde, od Hane pin. Reth, Pat. Cora, Stan, Wike, Rich, Danny Spadent aud Fauilics Stan and Augela Deluce and Family ~ Come Sew with Sergers Saturday March 28, 1992 continued from page 5 goals in isolation, since professional foresters "don't represent all of society. We represent the technical application of forest manage- ment." Baskerville said that before any rules are laid down for Northern Insights: new role forest audits, there needs to be public consensus on desired goals for our forests. Setting those goals, he argued, requires extensive public input. I agree. No one seems to know whether we are are managing our forests sim- ply as a source of wood fibre to feed a forest products industry with an uncertain future, or whether we are managing forests so they can meet a lot of other societal needs. Baskerville also argued that professional foresters should Not try to set those goals in continued on page 9 9am. - 4 p.m Rec. Centre - Conference Room Provided by The.dewing Nook Dlease register at the Sewing Nook before March 25/92. Fee is $50 You will be shown serging techniques with different fabrics and sewing hints. Limited amount of sergers will be provided. We do request you bring your own sergers with thread and your sewing accessorics! Asst d fabrics will be provided by The Sewing Nook. Diease register early, this seminar will be provided only if enough interest! Call Elise 825-9555 or 825-9423. = ' Special display of knitting machines will be shown. 2 MARCH 18TH OUR BIGGEST Ss PRECIA ON DAY DOOR OPENING SPECIALS CUSTOMER AP ( COLGATE -\/DINN RE ; aed TOOTHP, ASTE reir ae ee 2 : _PHtups 'ae : SPECIALS ANVEILESUS PROM S Pk. 99 528-92 2 SLICE TOASTER CHEF'S por ) JR. GIRLS 'i Limit 3 per. t2 per $23.97 6 OT. FRYER = T-SHIRTS ASST'D Co oie JK eee J ay $37.97 ( a $6.97 e A LADIES BRAS (apts nicut ) ("MEN'S FLEECE \ (pors or cris ) LCUFT. : tp coleman et Mier wotoas a-3x viaae® be 287,00 J 7 E. $2.97 a ees $9.97 ea $9.97 JL . SPECIALS AVAILADLE FROM 9 Dine | oes SPECIALS AVAILABLE PROM 2.P.M. e eee =F \( MEN'S FLEECE ! MOUTHWASH JR. T-SHIRTS, PANTS 750 mil ASST'D ONE SIZE|| ASST'D COLORS $3.47 - $3.97 _ S.M.LXL ( cumpren's \( 'A in' "SURI | conn cioce |/worioxcmxson| ASST'D NEWBORN FIXTURES a - $9.97 LAMPS NOT INCL. ORB J)\_ $14.97) . 7 -|| LADIES FASHION FOOTLESS. TIGHTS 3 $4.97 J a E 'SHOWER CURTAIN SETS VINYL $3.77 Ce, {/ BROADLOOM CARPET REMNANTS 27" x §4" $6.97 PERSONAL TAPE PLAYER $9.97 Se - Specials will be on sale at times specified and will be available until close o8 store or until f quantities last. No rainchecks. Personal shopping ony Limited quantities, Show Bark,