BELLUZ Realty Ltd. Simcoe Plaza Box 715 Terrace Bay Ontario Be. POT 2Wo JURIS ZDANOVSKIS Office - 825-9393 BROKER Home - 824-2933 MON CHERIE HAIR SALON Ladies (807) 824-3080 Mountainview Plaza Hwy. 17, Schreiber Men ti, Cin} d #73> 5 {7} 7 ve} r Volume 45 No. 5 Tuesday January 29, 1991 - News The Terrace Bay-Schreiber WS Stand .50 Cents incl. G.S.T. SUPERIOR SHORELINE INSURANCE LTD, We represent 8 different insurance companies so that we can get the best rates for you: *Home *Auto *Business *Air Craft *Mobile Home 825-9492 Liz Boutilier Broker Schreiber's New Year's Baby Schreiber's New Year's baby, Thomas James McGrath, 8 Ib, born January 11, with his parents James and Yvonne McGrath. The McGrath's, with their other three chil- dren, Travis, Adam and Ashley, introduced Thomas James. at his New Year's Baby Party sponsored by the Schreiber Legion Auxillary, Branch 109 on Sunday, January 20. photo by Rob Cotton ~ training A $3 million training program for young people in the North has been unveiled by Northern Development Minister Shelly Martel. The Northern Training Opportunities Program (NORTOP) is a wage subsidy program which encourages employers in Northern Ontario to provide practical work experience and training to young people. "We have developed this program so we can provide better, more meaningful job training and skills development for our youth," said Martel. "It is an initiative which we hope will make it easier for our young people to start their career training in the North." Funding for this new program is provided under four components: Secondary School student, a Post- Secondary Student , an Internship Component, and a Special Projects Component. The Secondary School Student Component will help - employers who hire secondary school students during the summer. : General skills and workplace knowledge Youth migration a problem for the North A study of why young people are leaving Northern Ontario was released recently by the Northern Devel-opment -- Councils(NDC). The main _ problems identified by the report, was the lack of opportunity for jobs and _ for career advancement in jobs that are available. Leslie Dickson, member of the Superior North Northern Development Council, judging and the forums, _ said Northerners who had moved south indicated quite strongly that if they had the economic opportunities they would have preferred to live in the north. Dickson also pointed to a These jobs will provide general work experience and help students develop gencral skills and knowledge for future workplaces. The Post-secondary Student Component' will help employers who hire post- secondary students during the summer or during a co- NDP unveil youth program These jobs will provide students with career-related training and preference will be given to training that will address skills shortages in Northern Ontario. The Internship Component is for employers who hire recent college or university graduates. These jobs will provide career-related training to help the participants obtain per- manent employment and again preference will be given to training that will address skills shortages in the North. Specialized traing for target groups The Special Projects Component will receive a portion of the new program funds to help pilot projects which provide specialized training for northern young people representing particular target groups. : Three projects have been approved under the special projects component: a Northern Municipal Police Force Summer Youth Employment Program, a Native Recreational Program, and a Native Alcohol and Drug Counselling Program. "This is our government's first response to the NDCs' report on youth migration," added Martel. "The loss of our: young people is one of the biggest problems facing the North and we are determined to find constructive ways to guarantee our youth a future here-- entitled Northern Perspectives, by the response to the surveys Continued on page 3° operative placement. NORTOP is one step." HABITATIONAL PROGRAM AUTOMOBILE ", can TERRACE BAY INSURANCE LTD. rraniucnte -Claims free credit ~ -ldeal Nextag Driver -Age credit *Home * Business * Auto Cregit se os ane tae A COMPLETE INSURANCE SERVICE * Cottages "Multi Vehicle Credit cane ade poses COMPETITIVE RATES FOR QUALITY COVERAGE * Recreational Vehicles * Etc. -ature Driver \_ Newer Home credit 'SIMCOE PLAZA TERRACE BAY 825 - 3246 ae ai