oh q Terrace Bay - Schrei™*r OM2 Log ty vw. its February 14, 1990 Just a few more months and scenes ike this will be upon us. We can sit and com- @ plain about the heat or just sit back and enjoy ? the weather, thinking about what snow really » feels like. j Until that time you can hang this pic- ture in a well used window and when you look vutside it will feel like July. As for the feel of snow? Sorry, we'll really know that feeling for just a few more months. i Belluz ' Realty Ltd. Simcve Plaza Terrace Bay, Ont POT 2W0 Juris Zdanovskis Broker 1-807-824-2933 HAPPY VALENTINE'S DAY || 'sss IN THIS ISSUE eae! Poe *Preferred Pricing *Preferred Servicc If you're not with us, you are probably Schreiber Carnival Schedule || crite:cecres Superior Shoreline Insurance Ltd. Bi, £807-875-93 TERRACE BAY INSURANCE LTD. A COMPLETE INSURANCE SERVICE + Home* Business ® Auté COMPETITIVE RATES FOR QUALITY COVERAGE * Cott ottages SIMCOE PLAZA TERRACE BAY 825-3246 * Recreational Vehicles * Etc.