Page 8 TERRACE BAY/SCHREIBER NEWS Wednesday, January 17, 1990 -- Gilles Pouliot responds to VIA Rail issue The Honourable Rene Fontaine Minister of Northern Development and Mines 10th Floor, 10 Wellesley Street East Toronto, Ontario M4Y 1G2 Dear Minister: I would like to express my support for your opposition to the recent cuts made by the federal government to the VIA rail net- work. However, I am amazed that while you were criticizing these cuts, plans were already in the works to emasculatc the Ontario Northland Railway. In your statement on October 5, you quite correctly pointed out the importance of rail transporta- tion in the North. You said that "The communities that need reli- able train service the most - small, isolated communities in Northern Ontario, and those else- where in the province and across Canada - will be severely affected by this decision." In addition, you said that "...rail service continues today to be a vital component of economic survival for many Northern communitics." In addition, the Minister of Transportation has expressed the opinion that " is not the time for the federal government to contemplate either elimination Pe K. Fischer's ~~ FURNACE REPAIRS & SERVICE Kirk Fischer (807) 825-9105 14 Terrace Court - Terrace Bay, Ontario POT 2W0 Jean Saw Sales * Chain Saw * Snow Blower * Lawn Mower SALES & REPAIRS - Safety Boots Work Wear * Pants * Shirts * Socks * Mitts (Work Wear Payroll Deduction) OVERPASS ROAD Open Daily 6 p.m. - 8:30 p.m. Saturday 9 a.m. - 5 p.m. TERRACE BAY NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS All claims against the Estate of Mr. JOSEPH ARTHUR ALPHONSE LEMIEUX, late of the Township of Schreiber, in the District of Thunder Bay, who died on or about the 3rd day of January, 1986, and/or claims against the Estate of (Mrs.) GIOVANNA PERNNA LEMIEUX, late of the Township of Schreiber, in the District of Thunder Bay, who died on or about the 24th day of March, 1989, must be filed with the undersigned on or before the 9th day of February, 1990, after which time the undersigned will distribute the assets of the estate having regard only to the claims then filed. DATED at Thunder Bay, Ontario, this 4th day of January, 1990. MURRAY & COURTIS Barristers and Solicitors Suite 410, The Chapple Building 101 N. Syndicate Avcnuc THUNDER BAY, Ontario P7C 3V4 MURRAY & COURTIS Barristers and Solicitors Ross W. Murray, B. Comm., M.B.A., LL.B. Richard W. Courtis, B.A., M.A., LL.B. Randall V. Johns, H.B. Conm., LL.B.. C.A. Bruce I. Leaman, B.A., LL.B. TERRACE BAY OFFICE 7 Simcoe Plaza (Lower Level) Terrace Bay, Ontario POT 2WO Telephone (807) 825-9379 (807) 825-9395 Facsimile (807) 825-9506 TERRACE BAY OFFICE HOURS: Monday to Friday 9:00-a.m. to 5:00 p.m.- - - - - THUNDER BAY OFFICE Suite 410 The Chapple Building 101 N. Syndicate Ave. Thunder Bay, Ont P7C 3V4 Telephone (807) 623-7961 Facsimile (807) 623-4417 of, or reductions in, passenger rail services." If the government feels so strongly about the preservation of Ontario's rail network, why is it actively contemplating cuts to its own rail services? For example, your Ministry has set up a task force to study rail needs in Northcastem Ontario whose terms of reference clearly envision a reduction in service. The task force is directed to examine the possibility of provid- ing"...better but reduced service at lesser cost..." Insicad of look- ing at ways to reduce services, the government should be search- ing for ways to enhance the ser- vice to make it morc attractive to uscrs. Well before the task force even has a chance to make its recom- mendations, the cuts are already underway at the ONR. Union rep- resentatives in North Bay have been told by management that once two mines in the arca close, 130 to 130 jobs will be slashed. 'Lhis 'cut represents more than 10 per cent of the ONTC work force, and will be a significant blow to an arca already hard-hit by plant closures and job losses. The Ontario Government cur- rently pays out an annual subsidy of approximately $10 million to the ONTC. This is very modest when compared with the millions put into commuter services in the Toronto area. Part of the subsidy could be reduced by renegotiat- ing the amount the ONTC pays to CN for the use of its tracks. While VIA only pays CN $11 per mile, ONTC pays CN $19 per- mile, which amounts to $2.5 mil- lion each year. To paraphrase the Minister of Transportation, now is not the lime to reduce passenger rail ser- vices in Northern Ontario. On the contrary, the ONTC could do a great deal to improve scrvices, and attract additional ridership. These improvements include: - inproved rolling stock - reduced travel time through full usc of track speed limits - increased training of dispatch International Conference brings new ideas to Northern Ontario The 1991 Winter Cities Conference in Sault Ste. Marie will receive a $300,000 provin- cial grant, Northern Development and Mines Minister Rene Fontaine has announced. "This high-profile internation- al conference will bring new ideas to Northern Ontario and to its. many participants, leading to the creation of innovative and exciting projects for future eco- nomic growth," Fontaine said. The conference theme - sus- tainable development - will focus on new approaches for planning future economic strategies and growth. As part of the global community, those cities partici- pating in the conference will play a leading role in sustainable development, which is a growing global and political concern. Winter Cities Fortim '91,' tak- ing place January 21-25, 1991, will bring together more than 500 winter-city delegates to exchange ideas on six major sub-themes: Industrial Innovation, Transportation and Communication; Recreation and Tourism; Health, Social and Cultural Services; Architecture and Urban Planning; Land Use - Water and Natural Resources; and Waste Management, Air and Water Pollution and Land Alienation. Lake Superior Board of Education News Release The Lake Superior Board of Education's Regular Board Meeting #1/90 was held Tuesday, December 12th, 1989. After the meeting was called to order, min- utes of previous mectings and expenditures for the months of October and November 1989 were acknowledged and approved. The following resolutions dealing with personnel matters, were passed: - resignation of Billie BAG- DON, teacher, Terrace Bay Public School - resignation of Corinne TOWNES, secretary, Board Office - appointment of Hannah MILLER, part-time custodian, Lake Superior High School, Terrace Bay Campus The Trustees passed 3 resolu- tions amending the Employee Housing Policy. The Trustees also. passed 2 resolutions adopting the Pay Equity Plans for the SEIU and Non-Union Employee Groups. A resolution to accept the 1989-90 school year busing contract with Trotticr Bus Lines was approved. There was numer- ous discussions during the meet- ing, dealing with such topics as: staffing, Bill 194 - Smoking in the Work place, and bus safety. Future meetings are scheduled as follows: . January 16th Regular Board Meeting . January 23rd Operations Committee Meeting January 30th Finance Committee Meeting February 6th Education Committee Meeting Meetings are held in the Administration Office in Marathon starting at 7:00 p.m. The general public. is welcome to _ attend. phrase ater staff - an improved reservation sys- tem - improved advertising As a Northern member of the Ontario Legislature, I'm sure you recognize the importance of the ONTC in the North in terms of employment, transportation, and tourism. I hope that you will reconsider the planned reduction in services offered by the ONTC, and will provide additional funds to improve services, and attract more passengers. » I trust you will also continue to pressure the federal govern- ment to change its plans for VIA rail. I am confident that with improvements, the ONTC can continuc to offer an efficient, use- ful, and viable service for the people of Northern Ontario. Thank you for your considera- tion in this matter. Sincerely, Gilles Pouliot, MPP Lake Nipigon Riding Environmental Sign Save their habitats for the sake of ALL of us. Ducks Unlimited Canada Call 1-800-665-DUCK 2 if Men's Brier The Sault Ste. Maric's Brier iCommittee of the ship wl Men's Curling Championship will pe a $15,000 provincial grant to help defray the costs of its open- ing ceremonies and banquet, Northern Development Minister Rene Fontaine has announced. "The Brier will feature Northern Ontario and Sault Ste. Marie to the rest of Canada. I am pleased that my Ministry can assist with the staging of this event," said Fontaine. The 1990 Brier will be held March 2 - 11. This major tourist event for Northern Ontario is expected to generate more than $3 million for Sault Ste.Marie. The Brier is a major sporting event and many local business people have given of their time or donated materials and funds to host it. The City of Sault Ste. Marie has contributed $32,000 to the event and local fund-raising continues. The Ministry of Northern Development and Mines has also committed $50,000 toward a pre- event.tourism marketing and pro- motion campaign.'