Wednesday, December 20, 1989 TERRACE BAY/SCHREIBER NEWS _- Pa ge 3. " Some of 'the McCausland Hospital Nursing department is one of the largest i Nursing staff poses for a picture during their busy schedule. The n the hospital and have a wide variety of duties to perform. Photo by Dave Chmara Nurses who care for you By Dave Chmara One of the largest departments «! McCausland Hospital, the Nursing staff totals 30 full and purt-time people. Linda Stewart, Director of Nursing since 1986, has worked in the Nursing Department since 1974. She said the move about a 'ywar ago to 12-hour shifts, was welcomed by the nursing staff as it allows for more time with the patients and gives them continuity of care. Stewart said the longer shifts also allow the nurses to get to know their patients better. The registered nursing assistants (RNA) began working 12-hour shifts on Dec. 4, 1989 and registered nurses (RN) about a year ago. The day shift at the hospital is stuffed by 3 full-time RNs and 2 full-time RNAs. Evenings there are two RNs and one RNA on the floor. ; Home care nurses work in the community visiting people's homes to help with patient care. They perform such work as changing dressings and giving patients baths and also help educate the public towards health cure. To become a registered nurse requires taking a two-year college program or a four-year Bachelor ot Science in Nursing. Registered nursing assistants must take a ine month program. All three programs are available in Thunder Bay. Upgrading programs which some. of the nurses have been involved in recently include a course in sterilization techniques, advanced cardiac life support, and basic life support training. Compared with a larger hospital, the nurses at McCausland are responsible for more departments. They work in the emergency, coronary care, operating room, maternity and delivery departments. Their counterparts in the city would only work in one or possibly two ol these areas. Stewart said working in all the departments makes for an c tended orientation time, but it's a good learning process for the nurses. Compared to the rest of the province, or the doctor situation, Stewart said, "there is no nursing shortage here. It seems they come and stay and retire." Because of the size. of McCausland, and the length of time the nurses stay, they get to know the patients well. "For example, in emergency, they almost know the history of the patient before they ask," Stewart said. The Nursing Department, once or twice a year, has nursing students come in as part of the education program. Students come from Confederation, Conestoga, and Sault Colleges and Lakehead University. They . come to the hospital in their final year of schooling for a period of six to eight weeks and are assigned a buddy nurse. The students work the same shift as © the nurse and this year the. Nursing Department has had six students work there. McCausland provides accommodations for the students who come in twos; from the same school and class so they have some companionship during their Stay. Last M. inute Special ELECTROLUX Top of the line Vacuum $200.00 OFF reg. $399.00 NOW $699.00 Call Jacques Roy 825-9182 SEASON'S GREETINGS LRG KIL ASI HS 1st Christmas Wishes & sticky candy cane kisses to Grandma & Grandpa Theriault. Love Matthew White MAZZY'SMUSIC "Now expanding from Marathon" high energy dances professional D.J. and equipment for quotes call (807) 229-0151 Royal Canadian Legion ROYAL CANADIAN LEGION BRANCH 109 SCHREIBER, ONTARIO NEW YEAR'S EVE PARTY Sunday, December 31st, 1989 MUSIC BY - PARTY SOUND $20.00/single $35.00/couple Tickets may be purchased at the CLUBROOM. Party Favours, etc. $40. couple/$20. single Limit 130 persons Deadline for tickets: Members - Dec. 15, 1989 Guests - Dec. 22, 1989 ce DELUXE NEW YEAR'S DAY BRUNCH eee able. pasta seafood and meat'satads. HOT ITEMS: selection of quiches, chanellonicaéaited.chiaed. beef davbe,and Filo pockets. COLD ITEMS: seafoods, exotic fruits and cheeses. VED: roast of beef. [5: luscious choices including eee or lemon mousse and chocol cake. colate mousse. 1Z:00 To 5:00 p.m. 7 SPECIAL CHILDRENS PRICES y PLEASE RESERVE. 824-2870 ASK ABOUT OUR EVENING DINING SPECIALS AND OUR CH WEEK BRUNCH Soa reas! Branch 223 Buffet luncheon will be served at 11:30 p.m. NEW YEAR'S EVE DANCE December 31, 1989 9 p.m. - 1 a.m. 4th Annual Firemans Music by Partie Sound Buffet by Terrace Bay Bakery NEW YEARS DANCE Sponsored by The Sparkbusters First and last chance for supper tickets December 15, 1989 7 - 9 p.m. at the fire hall DANCE ONLY - $20.00 Single $40.00 Double SUPPER & DANCE - $40.00 Single $80.00 Double Cocktails: 5:30 - 6:30 Supper: 6:30 - 7:30 Dance: 9:00 p.m. - 2:00 a.m. Schreiber Rec. Centre MUSIC BY PARTY SOUND Sea NN Terrace Bay Horticultural Society 'CHRISTMAS LIGHTS | DISPLAY CONTEST Open to all residents of Terrace Bay PRIZES 1st - $100.00 2nd - $50.00 3rd - $25.00 Judging to take place December 18 - 21. For more information contact Mary 825-9532 or Therese 825-3556