: TERRACE BAY/SCHREIBER NEWS Pages, Wednesday, August 16, 1989 Long list of recommendations provided in housing statement -- By Dave Chmara A Municipal Housing Statement, initiated by the Township of Terrace Bay, has been completed and submitted to council. The report was conducted so the municipality could gain a bet- ter understanding of the current housing situation, and have a framework to address housing problems. Many interesting details were revealed by the study. Some of these include: * A small, but steady increase in population is taking place. The 1986 census showed 2,690 people in 870 households. The current number of households is about 913 which translates into a popu- lation of roughly 2,739. By 1994, judging by past figures and trends presented by Statistics Canada, the population will be approxi- mately 2,763. * The majority of homes reported in the 1986 census were single family detached dwellings (75.1 per cent). Current municipal data shows this percentage higher at 77.2 per cent. * Only 26.6 per cent of the accommodation available in the town is rental accommodation. * The average cost of a new single-family detached dwelling is $85,000. Rental accommoda- tions range from.$275 for a bach- elor apartment to $650 for a 4 bedroom detached residence. * In 1986, the average house- hold income was $52,228, while the average family income was higher at $55,435. The number of families with incomes over $40,000 was more than 76 per cent of the total number of fami- lies, while those with less than $20,000 were only 4.7 per cent of the total. * The response rate to the Assisted Housing Surveys was 26 per cent when the Birchwood Terrace responses are not includ- ed and 28 per cent when they are. * Based on these surveys, the report estimates a need for approximately 26 rent-geared-to- income housing units, and _ approximately 20 market rent units to meet the needs of fami- lies, singles, handicapped citizens and senior citizens. * Housing néeds are being met in part by non-conforming base- ment apartments. * The growing number of sin- gle parent families (49 in 1986), and families in crisis, need hous- ing options and opportunities to meet their needs. This includes supportive day care facilities. The Housing Statement con- tains a total of 20 recommenda- tions. It. recommends council endeavor to provide affordable accommodation, in sufficient numbers and types to qualified residents. Another suggestion is - for Waiting for approval By Dave Chmara Following the adopting of the Municipal Housing Statement by Terrace Bay Council, the next step is to wait for approval from the Ministry of Housing. If the ministry approves the statement, it will probably be phased in over a number of years, said Dave Fulton, clerk-treasurer administrator for Terrace Bay. In related developments, the town of Terrace Bay has applied for funding from the Ministry of Housing to build a ten -unit seniors apartment building. Fulton said if approved, the apartment would probably be built in 1990, He added a location has not yet been decided upon for Serving children with physical disabilities Leah since 1922 In Terrace Bay, you can buy your copy of The News at: Costa's Supermarket The Nugget Terrace Bay Bakery Red Dog Inn JCT Pizza And in Schreiber, The 'News is available at: Travel Rest Petro Canada's Twin Spot Jimmy's Superior Shell Voyageur Triple C Costa's Supermarket Or call the Terrace Bay/Schreiber News office at 825-3747 or 825-9751 today for your a . subscription. council to investigate opportuni- ties for providing more serviced land, either existing within the townsite or identified in an urban expansion study. Council should also form a Municipal Non-Profit .Housing Corporation to act on behalf of council to monitor the community housing situation. Where deemed feasible or necessary, council should encourage community organizations, clubs and groups to take part in the Non-Profit Housing Program. Council should attract new buSiness and create opportunities for them to diversify the econo- my. The report suggests tourism represcn{s a major opportunity for diversification and providing the apartment. A reply from the ministry is expected sometime this month. Council will be meeting with the Board of Managers for the Homes of the AGed and the Ministry of Housing to try to work out some agreement to make better use of the Birchwood Terrace facility. Fulton mentioned Birchwood is owned by the provincial gov- ernment so the town can't proceed with plans for the building until an agreement is reached. .., There. are currently, about 30. residents in Birchwood although the building can accommodate over 60 people. Fulton said more people are developed land is a key step in this development. With respect to this develop- ' ment, the official plan should be reviewed and updated where nec- essary. The study also recommends council implement the Municipal Housing Statement report and to monitor and review on a regular basis the housing situation in Terrace Bay. It goes on to recommend the development of 8 to 12 senior cit- izen's housing units on vacant lots and to take advantage of govern- ment programs. Another 18 to 24 family-ori- ented housing units should also be developed and able to provide accommodation options to fami- being directed to the Pinewood Court facility in Thunder Bay instead of Birchwood Terrace. Council has also applied for funding to conduct a study into the extent of the basement apart- ment situation in Terrace Bay and also to look into various options for using the available space in Birchwood. Should the Housing Statement be approved by the ministry, the first step would be for a Non- Profit Housing Corporation to be sct-up. This corporation would over- see the recommendations con- tained in the report. lies, single-parent families and handicapped persons. Further. recommendations include assessing the capability of Birchwood Terrace to provide a number of services including: housing for the aged, crisis hous- ing, single-parent family housing, day care facilities, apartments, a senior citizen's drop-in centre and offices for various governmental agencies presently providing weekly or monthly services to the residents of Terrace Bay. A study should be conducted to determine the extent of the basement apartment accommoda- tion situation in town. Council should address the need for some form of crisis accommodation in Terrace Bay so these residents can remain in the community. Some housing units should be modified to provide for the needs of the community's handicapped persons. Another suggestion is that the Non-Profit Housing Corporation enter into preliminary discussions with Kimberly-Clark to assume management of their rental hous- - ing units in Terrace Bay. The last recommendation is for council to support the devel- opment of a satellite home for the aged in Terrace Bay, provided that it forms a part of the existing Birchwood Terrace facility. The final draft of the Municipal Housing Statement was presented at the council meeting held July 24 and council passed a motion to adopt the full report including the recommenda- tions listed above. MASTER JACK Appliance Repairs P.O.Box 1466 Marathon 229-1791 Family transferred to Marathon... packed the business and brought it too!!! REPAIRS TO ALL MAJOR APPLIANCES: - fridges - stoves - - dryers - washers - dishwashers - efc. "We service what others sell." 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